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Why the drivers in China Kill Intentionally Pedestrians They hit.
Why the drivers in China Kill Intentionally Pedestrians They hit.
Look both pedestrians wait for the light to change in central Beijing September 18, 2007.
In April a BMW race through a fruit market in Foshan in Guangdong Province, China overthrew a girl aged 2 and rolled over his head as the grandmother of the girl screamed, stop ve hit a pilot child BMW paused, then put into reverse and backed up to the girl the woman driver drove forward again, crushing the girl for the third time when she finally left the BMW, the unlicensed driver offered a horrified family immediately agreed Don t say I was driving the car, she said it was my husband, we can give you money.
It seems like a crazy urban legend In China, drivers who have injured pedestrians sometimes while trying to kill Yet not only is it true, it is quite common; Security cameras captured pilots regularly driving back and forth over the victims to ensure that they are dead Chinese language even has a saying of the phenomenon is best hit to kill that hit and injure.
The television report 2008 features images from the security camera in a dusty white Passat reverse at high speed and hit a grandmother of 64 years bouncing back wheels of the Passat over the head and body of the driver Zhao Xiao Cheng, stop the car a moment then hit the gas, causing the front wheels to ride on the woman while Zhao moves in the drive wheels women in Zhao floor is not made twice as it moves back and forth between drive and reverse, whenever thudding on the body of grandmother, then speeds away from her body.
Incredibly, Zhao was not guilty of intentional homicide accepting the request of Zhao that he thought he was driving on a garbage bag, the court of Taizhou in Zhejiang Province was sentenced to three years in prison for the case Zhao negligence was unusual in that he was caught on video as the TV presenter noted, you can see online an endless stream of stories speak of cases similar to this one.
double success cases have been around for decades, I heard about the phenomenon hit to kill in Taiwan in the mid-1990s, when I worked as an English teacher A teacher man would lead us to classes after a near miss of a motorcyclist, he said, If I hit someone, I'll hit it again and make sure it is dead Enjoying my shock, he explained that Taiwan, if you Cripple a man, you pay for the care of the injured person for a lifetime, but if you kill the person, you only pay once, such as funeral costs, he insisted he was serious and that this was common.
Geoffrey Sant wrote on drivers in China who intentionally kill pedestrians anything Ask him.
Most people agree that the phenomenon hit to kill the stems at least partly perverse laws on compensation for victims In China, compensation for killing a victim in a traffic accident is relatively low amounts will generally from 30 000 to 50 000 and once the payment is made, the issue is over, however, the payment of lifetime care for a disabled survivor can run into the millions of Chinese press recently described how a disabled man received approximately 400,000 for the first 23 years of his care of drivers who decide to hit and kill to because murder is much more economical in fact, Zhao Xiao Cheng man caught on a video for the conduct of security camera on a grand mother five times ended up paying only 70 000 in compensation.
Security cameras captured pilots were regularly driving back and forth over the victims to ensure they are dead.
In 2010 in Xinyi, video captured a rich young man to reconsider his BMW X6 in a parking space he hits a 3 year old, hitting the child on the ground and roll over his head The driver then moves his BMW in player and crushes the child again Remarkably, the driver then obtains the BMW puts the vehicle in reverse, and guide with his hand as he walks back to the vehicle on the crumpled body of the human foot boy so close to the infant's head that, if alive, the boy could have reached out and touched her driver then puts the BMW in the drive again, running on a boy last time as hunting.
Again, the driver was accused of having accidentally killed a person, he claimed to have confused the boy with a cardboard or police trash bag box dismissed the charges of murder and even fleeing the scene crime, ignoring the fact that the driver ran over the boy's head as he sped away.
These drivers are willing to kill not only because it is cheaper, but because they want to escape murder charges in the days before video cameras is spreading, it was rare to have evidence that a driver hit the victim twice Even in the age of cell phone cameras today, drivers seem convinced they can either corrupt local officials or hire a lawyer to escape murder charges.
Perhaps the most horrific of these cases beaten to death are those where the initial didn collision t ACCIDENT victim seriously, but the driver came back and killed the victim in any case in Sichuan Province, a huge dirt truck hit down a boy 2 years old, the toddler was stunned by the initial hit, and immediately jumped to his feet eyewitnesses said the boy went to get his umbrella, which had been thrown into the street the impact when the overturned and crashed truck, this time killing him.
Despite the testimony of an eyewitness, the head of the county police said the truck was never reversed, never hit the boy a second time, and the wheels rolled over the child Meanwhile, an outraged Site posted pictures appearing to show the body of the child under the front wheel of the truck.
In each of these cases, despite video and photographs showing that the driver hit the victim a second and often a third, fourth and fifth time, the pilots ended up paying the same or less compensation and punishment imprisonment they would have if they had just hurt the victim.
With so many hit-to-kill pilots evade the severe justice, the Chinese public sometimes took things in hand in 2013 a crowd in Zhengzhou in Henan province beat a rich driver who killed a child 6 years after have him running over two times compared to television said the crowd had acted on false rumors However, at least five witnesses said on camera that the man had run over the child again.
Of course, not all the hit-to-kill pilot escapes serious punishment a man named Yao Jiaxin which in 2010 hit a cyclist in Xian and returned to make sure she was dead even stab the injured woman with a knife was convicted and executed in 2014 a driver named Zhang Qingda who hit an elderly man in Jiayu Pass in Gansu province with his van and surrounded by overwriting the new man was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
China and Taiwan have laws that attempt to eradicate hit kill if legislative Taiwan reformed Article 6 of the Civil Code, which has long limited the ability to bring a civil action on behalf of others, as a person killed in a traffic accident Meanwhile, the Chinese parliament stressed that many cases affected should be treated as murder Yet even when a driver hit the victim several times, it can be difficult to prove intent and causation at least to the satisfaction of China court judges, the police, and the media often seem to accept pretty incredible claims that the drivers hit the victim several times accidentally, or the confused pilots victims with objects inanimate.
My God, I am amazed that most of these cases end t charge more vigilantes.
escape Hit-to-kill cases continue and hit to kill drivers regularly serious punishment In January a woman was taken to the conduct of video repeatedly on an old man who had slipped in the snow in April a driver of school bus in Shuangcheng was charged with driving on a little girl again and again 5 years in May, a security camera filmed a current truck driver running on a boy four times; the driver said he had never noticed the child.
And last month the woman without license who killed 2 years on the market of fruit with his BMW and then offered to bribe brought the family to court She said the killing was an accident attorney has accepted his assertion and recommended that the court reduce his sentence to two to four years in prison.
This phrase of light would be even more of a punishment that many drivers have received for similar crimes, but he probably won t be enough to keep the driver's side to put his car in reverse and hit the gas.
Why China drivers intentionally kill pedestrians they hit Chinese laws encouraged, conductors, porcelain, intentionally.