Repair Panel 3M Bodyshop [Step 1]
All cars manufactured since introduction of universal diagnostic OBD II in 1996, some facts before, have fairly sophisticated computers Electronics to manage the fuel injection system, ignition generally replacing the entire machine, automatic transmission and much, much more than for example the late model fords have a connection between the generator and the computer if the charging voltage is a little low at idle, the computer will raise the current in the alternator field windings for slightly increasing the voltage and possibly increase the idle speed to help charge the battery the air controller idle used to control the idling speed also replaces mechanical chokes to start, the throttle blades are actually actuated by a stepping motor, not cable of the accelerator pedal, which performs twice re cruise control.
Why all the fuss instead of an old, carburetor cheap to fix a word emission A new car emits less than one tenth of one percent of exhaust gases besides CO2 aged 40 Thank steeds years the computer constantly, tight control of ignition timing and air-fuel ratio that good news bad news to diagnose many computer problems and tens sensors requires an analysis tool that is able to access thousands of codes for specific problems to the manufacturer and data flow can cost a good 7000 and in a concession or busy store, every technician will need once the trouble codes and data stream are open book that the technician needs a reference for interpreting a professional Alldata subscription is 220 per month, Identifix 140 MANU access specific sites for data cant be rvice costs up to 20 stores one day used to be able to get everything they need for manual grease the motor 40.
Traditionally, car bodies were built only with mild steel, be it a car chassis on body or a body of the unit, with welded steel panels pressed together spot repair was hammer things easy more or less back to form, slap on some Bondo and paint contemporary crash standards have changed all that many car bodies use high-strength steel to save weight panels are pre-creased folding those for an accident.
And this means that the body is an integral part of the heating security system vehicle Just folded pieces with the Rosebud points to an acetylene torch and turn the handle backward with a hydraulic power Porta won t cut more damaged parts must be carefully replaced with new factory panels and welded with MIG or TIG welder It is longer and requires a much higher level of skills and training of technicians in a body welder based radiator support on a new luxury car after an accident front could take 6 to 8 hours, plus another 6 to 8 for removing and replacing all the parts bolted around her, against a total of 3 to 4 hours on the cars of a generation ago Then add thousands of dollars to replace the airbags, sensors of airbags and harnesses.
An automotive technician c used to ply his trade with more than one set of pressure gauges, a vacuum pump and a voltmeter Then we discovered that R-12 is an important greenhouse gas; The technicians were longer allowed to simply remove R-12 so they need an R-12 recovery machine, which costs several large At the same time, the R-12 prices soared.
Then R-12 was replaced by R-134a even more than needed another costly recovery device A simple alternative service used within an hour of work and included less than five dollars of R-12 Now, a service like on a modern machine takes 2 to 3 hours and requires almost one hundred dollars of R-134a value the complexity of HVAC controls increased, forcing technicians to purchase specific diagnostic tools suppliers.
Replacing a timing belt at the recommended interval may cost a few hundred dollars, but if it snaps, the engine can be destroyed a new set of brake pads is much cheaper than waiting until that the support plates destroy the brake discs, and so on.
Like most independent repair shops charging about the same for an oil change as fast-Lube joints, pick one and use it regularly Then, when you need a repair, you're a regular and can get a more sympathetic ear in addition, they'll be happy to point out the necessary maintenance that could save a bundle on repairs episodic, catastrophic.
Do not be afraid to seek a second opinion on the main points A second mechanic may have better cheaper solution Maybe Some stores are more willing to prioritize the necessary repairs until you can afford not unusual to find parts for much less NAPA or the Internet instead of paying full skid at the dealership.
Do not forget that some parts are interchangeable and you might be able to find the intake valve guide for your Porsche cheaper in the VW parts catalog Remember refurbished, the documents submitted to new or opportunity will definitely longer than a store owner occupied chase what you need I just spent more than a week off and hunt down an odd part of the air conditioning in my car woman at least four professional source parts couldn t everywhere.
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