Sunday, February 12, 2017

Gender equality for Dummies crash test too ScienceNordic

I'm fired?

The women entered the arena of laboratory crash test, as a prototype picture female mannequin Chalmers Technical University.
Crash tests by researchers at the Swedish trade show car seats today are too firm to protect women against cervical vertebrae injuries caused by rear-end collisions and there is a good reason for it, modeling crash test used by car manufacturers to develop safety devices are all men.
The Swedes have now created the first model of female crash test of the world to help manufacturers make vehicles that protect both sexes whiplash injury, not just men.
rear collision tests with real people living at slow speeds show that women are thrown because the back of the car seat forward faster than men is less likely to give way to a lighter body a heavy.
Women are usually lighter than men, they are catapulted forward faster, and subject to greater acceleration A woman is thrown forward hard against the seat belt, said Anna Carlsson of the University of technology Chalmers in an interview with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK.
The seats should be less rigid, more flexible when a car is hit from behind, the seat comes back like a trampoline and we catapult forward, I want to see the seatbacks that are better padded it a little softer, Carlsson said.

The test female crash dummy was the brainchild of Astrid Linder Research Institute Swedish National Road and VTI She is project manager of the EU ADSEAT, which aims to provide advice on the best ways evaluate seat models so that they reduce whiplash injuries.
Linder found that new cars with whiplash protection were mainly built with people in mind, it is not surprising when you think about it, though, since the crash test dummies are designed to mimic weight and relative anatomy of a male driver.
male crash test dummies have dominated long enough now female variety enters the picture melee Chalmers Technical University.
I saw information in the injury statistics showing that men were better protected against whiplash in new systems and that women were more at risk, she said.
The goal is to make everyone in the car as well protected as possible, Linder said.

Generally that requires to provide guarantees that give priority to the weaker segment of the population The opposite approach doesn t necessarily work, as we have seen in whiplash protection.
The test dummy woman BioRID 50 F developed at Chalmers University of Technology in collaboration with VTI and Volvo, is still just a rough prototype Researchers hope to develop in a crash test dummy in itself.
Linder said the auto industry has expressed interest in conducting trials with female crash test dummies, starting with virtual systems in computer simulations.
Hopefully a test method that will change also involves female models who prod automakers in protection systems installation that automatically adjust the seats to each individual Men and women of different body sizes benefit from this, says Carlsson.

Gender equality for Dummies crash test too ScienceNordic, crash test dummies.

Gender, Oisterwijk, Нидерланды