Saturday, January 21, 2017

China's push for BBC News car accelerates without driver

Chinese city test Driverless Cars

Media Legend could appear earlier driverless cars than you think.
In the race for driverless car technology, Chinese companies take great not compete with the likes of Google and Tesla.
With the Beijing Auto Salon during the days that were brushed as mere imitators domestic auto companies in the country are long gone.
And a lot of buzz around this year's driverless cars in particular.

In recent years, innovation can come from Silicon Valley, but Chinese companies are moving forward.
There is much more in China than many in the West have realized, automotive expert Professor David Bailey of Aston Business School told the BBC.
Changan Two driverless cars have traveled more than 2000 kilometers 1240 miles from its headquarters in Beijing using cameras and radar to complete the journey in six days - the car company said it was able to make research on the way of maintenance and evolution, recognition of traffic signs, automatic cruise and voice control.
Baidu and BMW Cooperation between the Chinese giant Baidu Technology and the German automaker BMW saw a 30 km car drive in traffic driverless Beijing manage a series of maneuvers, including U-turns, lane changes and merging into traffic ramps.
Geely and Volvo Swedish owned Chinese carmaker Volvo said it plans to test driverless 100 cars on the street in everyday terms is considered an important movement to establish the Sino-Swedish team at the forefront of development Volvo is also testing driverless cars in Sweden and the UK.

image copyright Baidu Baidu Image Caption developed an artificial intelligence system to help its driverless cars navigate.
In addition to these major players, there are many other vying for seeking attention in China takes place in automotive companies, technology companies and universities.
Last week, the LEECO entertainment company made a big splash with its concept car that injured at least in the presentation impressed with the large capacity.
The company also invests in the electric car start-up United States, Faraday future, and cooperates with the legendary British Aston Martin on an electric car project.
So when it's normal to have driverless car pull up next to you at the traffic we are probably even ten years ago, said Professor Bailey.
Image copyright Getty Images Image Caption Cars are packed with cameras and radars.

Still, Changan, Geely and Baidu are in the middle of research and development, are eager to move forward in Silicon Valley.
Both in China and in the West, it will be a technology that will slip over us, he adds.
Just think of the many driver assistance technologies that we already have cars help you stay in the hallway, the park themselves or detect when they should slow down.
Over time, we will see many more of these features in cars and eventually leading to a car without a driver, he said.
Since it is a new technology, even the definitions are still to authorities in the United States has proposed a classification of levels 0-4.
Level 0, no automation All features and driving and are down for you.

Level 1, the specific control to the function one or more functions are automated, such as Electronic Stability Control.
Level 2, the automation of combined function of at least two automated functions work together as adaptive cruise control in combination with the centering of the track.
Level 3, self-driving car Limited does all the motor in certain driving conditions, the driver is only required for the control time to time, which is that the Google car and the Chinese projects aspire.
Level 4, fully self-driving car does all the motor for the whole trip, it doesn t not even need a driver in the car more.

Copyright AP Image Image Caption Trailing taillights of a Chinese model soon.
Obviously, a difficult question to answer - but there is much to suggest that Chinese companies do not intend to come second.
The tests and trials that are conducted are vast and experimentation and learning process will be crucial to progress in the field.
But still, it is in the US where the technology was launched and where many of the past innovation has come.
The heart and center of innovation lies in Silicon Valley, industry expert Professor Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer told the BBC this year Chinese-German Symposium automotive conference in Beijing.

Silicon Valley is where will the automated car.
However, the vehicles in the public attitudes are much more favorable without driver in China than elsewhere.
And the fact that research on the new technology has the backing and support of the government in Beijing could be also be a deciding factor.
So if we see this happen in China, it will probably happen on a large enough scale, says Professor David Bailey.

Motivated by the problems of widespread pollution, Beijing has pushed for more electric vehicles and Chinese automakers reacted significantly.
It is entirely possible that Google could find himself behind the taillights of a car Baidu, Geely and Changan.

China's push for BBC News car accelerates without driver, china, pushing, driverless.