Warren Buffett Investment in electric cars, battery technology, BYD shares and auto insurance
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In September 2008, just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers took the financial crisis to a new level, Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway BRKA -0 18021265092809516 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Cl BUS NYSE USD 166 17 -0 3 -0 18021265092809516 Date 1491598953929-0500 Volume delayed 15m 2547141 hOURS aFTER thE 25 USD 166 0 08 0 04814346753324908 Volume delayed 15m 46987 PE Ratio 17 01986008828982 market capitalization 409 189 626 200 436 dividend Yield NA Rev per employee 606 296 More details of the offer and your new BRKA value change your short position scooped September 9 Chinese battery and electric car maker BYD 0 2425222312045271 BYD Co Ltd China Shenzhen CNY 49 6 0 12 0 2425222312045271 date 1491595205000-0500 Volume delayed 15m 4352397 PE Ratio 25 396825396825395 capitalization 126687043038 568 market dividend yield 1 4798387096774193 Rev per employee 525 987 More details of the offer and n ew in your value change your short position for HK US 1 8 03 First Even a value investor's long-term reputation had to be impressed with the short-term sizzle in 18 months, BYD shares skyrocketed HK 88 Then the engine began to sputter.
In September 2011, the stock symbol Kong fell near his Buffett entry price before rising to just over HK 24 Last Week But BYD's initials stand build your dreams could be headed down again benefit companies 94-13000000 declined in 2012 due to low demand for cars, and the company has not shown much discipline pending the necessary infrastructure to develop and market electric cars to grow, BYD sold cars in traditional Chinese petrol and mobile phone components and solar panels now it plans to raise up to 500 million in a rights issue to strengthen its balance sheet.
I do not like BYD as an investment because they have not shown that they can make money in one of their main business, said Janet Lewis of Macquarie Securities analyst in Hong Kong Their main problem is that they are not targeted, have tried to do too many things, and have been unable to perform at a level where they can make money Lewis has a target price of HK October 50 it says is based on a sum of the parts valuation of its three main businesses are its passenger cars, handset components and solar cells first is barely profitable, the second is largely based on Nokia NOK 0 9560229445506692 Nokia Corp. US ADR NYSE USD 5 28 0 05 0 9560229445506692 date 1491598842685-0500 Volume delayed 15m 5623979 HOURS AFTER May 25 -0 03 -0 USD 5681818181818182 Volume delayed 15m 39260 PE Ratio NA market capitalization 30,763,010,897 Rendem 4469 dividend ent 3 Rev 4396022727272726 per employee 253 824 More details of the offer and new NOK in your value change your short position NOK and generates very thin margins, and loses money.
Among the biggest bears on the stock Scott Laprise, an auto analyst CLSA in Beijing last year, which has a sale on it, he predicted that it would fall from 90 to only 41 HK cents He expects losses of shares market and margin declines for BYD.
Both Lewis and Laprise would like to see BYD substantially modify its activities, I would be more positive if they spread their various businesses in the various entities, Lewis said.
BYD may also have been spoiled by Buffett built bubble in stocks, an analyst estimate could be as large as 30 people consider well Buffett as an investor and are happy to stay with the stock as long as it still holds, Lewis says his departure could have a huge negative effect, they say a large Berkshire BRK premium is the only way you can justify where the stock is trading at the moment, Lewis said you got to ask yourself is what Warren do the same decision today on BYD not I suspect at least, he will see the participation of Berkshire diluted by supply and local reports say Berkshire won t subscribe other BYD trades at more than 50 times earnings.
Everyone has given up on the stock Leping Huang of Nomura Securities in Hong Kong has a target price of HK 33 He believes that the electric bus K9 BYD and its new hybrid car, Qin, due in May, as well as new models Gas motorized could help the stock regain traction, even skeptics concede notes BYD cars are well made, said Huang boss of Berkshire wouldn t buy a stock without thoroughly vetting the company and its management If BYD is good enough for Warren, it's good enough for him, however, in this case, which seems to take a lot.
The Nikkei broke a streak of five weeks; Indian stocks have reached bottom in 2013.
Investment in BYD Warren Buffett, warren, buffett, investment.
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