Inside Job (2010)
A Lamborghini owner hired people to break his sports car Lamborghini Gallardo 3 million yuan in front of a lamp shop yesterday afternoon in Qingdao, he said that did not exercise its statutory rights repeatedly after the car had problems, so he decided to express his displeasure in an extreme way the International Consumers rights day in March 15 the process was put on a BBS and broadcast live on micro-blogs.
At 10 midnight yesterday, a user named 富贵 神仙 鱼 on Bandao BBS began a subject, to tell people that he would break his Lamborghini to express his dissatisfaction with the services offered by the car dealer in the afternoon at the end of the post, he said, it is March 15, 2011, international Day for the rights of consumers to promote awareness of the protection of consumer rights, after several failures to contact the car dealership, I decided to break this Lamborghini to protest against poor service.
The reporter contacted the owner, Han Nan, who is also the Deputy Director of the lamp store and confirmed the subject was posted by him.
Han Nan told the reporter, this Lamborghini is a used car, brought from Japan in September 2010, cost 3 million yuan in total, including Customs in November, 29 2010, the engine has not contacted Han Lamborghini dealership services provider in Qingdao to keep the car After that, however, the engine still problems what's more, the chassis and bumpers were damaged Han suspected that the service has kept his car without qualification, that which led to the car damage so he decided to express his displeasure in an extreme way.
In front of the lamp store, a black Lamborghini that seemed new was surrounded by many people.
9 employers in blue, wearing a helmet approached the Lamborghini with hammers and smashed Some climbed on the roof, shattering the windshield; others stood around the car, breaking the body few minutes later, audiences were invited to join Some people took photos with cameras or cell phones.
The crash lasted about 10 minutes, the employers and the public laid the hammer Lamborghini was black and blue all the windshields were damaged completely; There were signs all over the car, the hood was broken; mirrors, lights and exhaust have all been broken.
According to some users, China luxury goods consumption capacity has improved in recent luxury goods brand years has focused on the Chinese market However, Chinese consumers don t get a high quality service as the Europe and America to buy in department stores and maintaining in small shops, high prices led to consumer dissatisfaction and disappointment.
The director of Lamborghini 4S shop in Qingdao, Bai Xuelei was interviewed Because the Lamborghini store is always arranged, he recommended to his car to a corporate recovery workshop, maintenance of quality grade 2, can maintain Lamborghini.
To answer questions netizens, Bai said, We sent colleagues to examine the car, it was an old Gallardo produced in 2003 Bai said, the car had already scratches, electrical wiring problems before maintenance at that time the owner has filled out a maintenance form and signed his name the owner asked to see this form with several people the next day, but took both, he blamed the shop for car problems and threatened there are workers Although the company has attempted to contact the owner at all times, they could not reach an agreement finally, the owner drove his car and broke.
The reporter called Han Nan last night, but Han's cell phone was off.
Automobile Lamborghini China headquarters issued a statement last night, in the last 3 months Lamborghini tried to solve problems and meet the owner requests they are sorry for the inconvenience caused during maintenance and extreme behavior.
The statement also expressed the final plan provided by Lamborghini, including the replacement free bumper; sending experts to Beijing to examine and maintain the engine.
I can not decide if it is pure idiocy or just great, I can understand his frustration to deal with these leeches in a system that makes one incapable of consumption, and it can only get some potential customers to buy other but a Lambo, I guess it was successful.
stupid CHinese should open a history book and learn to read the history of China has never conquered Korea in the last 2000 years Whenever China invaded Korea, they lost Korea always annihilated the armies Chinese wartime If Korea was a part of China, why Korea has its own government, language and culture while the rest of China was forced to obey the Chinese emperor and talk ting ching chong Chinese tong ling long.
You really believe ChinKS be a Chinese tributary equivalent to conquer China that Chinese stupid gullible country do not realize that a flock was only for economic relations The Chinese emperor would not open the Chinese market for trading nations which pay homage to the emperor Korea paid homage to the emperor Chink because he wanted to trade not because China has conquered Korea China has always lost in Korea British Empire at its peak was also a tributary China are you ChinKS will now claim the British were secretly Chinese.
My grandfather fought in the Korean War and he said it was fun mowing down hundreds of Chinese machine gun with his Chinese wern t very good fighters They just loaded you in number and are stupidly dirty Chinese dead you are less out of my country.
So would you say that you feel strongly about it.
Haha I love it when gooks get all sad on this site.
As with most people in the world, I do not waste my time reading about the history of Korea choose that's just an insignificant point on the map with a population less than Beijing.
In fact, you can even talk about the South Korean history as the country itself has been established as 50 years ago and although North Korea is best Korea, its sad that the USA had to intervene as they say, gooks killing gooks is always a pleasant sight.
It's kind of sad simida that gooks must convince others that they have a culture Most people feel just a shitty mix stolen from Japan and China, hell, if I cared enough about kimchiland I did read about it as it is, I just remember hearing that up gooks it twenty years ago actually had to learn Chinese to be considered upper class and that all government documents should be in Chinese.
In fact, I understood that the only reason Hangul was made was to form a kind of Chinese identity distinct from the language itself is less but to build this little identity they had, it was necessary to implement such a rudimentary language that was a step below what already existed in other words, Koreans were stupid and lazy.
Hold on to play Starcraft simida ok If not, you can come up and watch your mom sucks my dick Hamida Or watch your anal fuck sister sumnida Oops, sorry gooks imitators is too much fun.
Did I mention gooks were essentially derived from Mongolian Gook_guy knows all this but to understand the essence, just take a look in the mirror short legs, small eyes, single fold eyelids, flat face, small cock, etc. Save money, guys a nice plastic surgery industry.
The amount of kimchi simidas who like Chinese news are staggering Is it because nobody cares enough Korea for a website Koreahush be done or that Koreans are too insecure themselves.
Key is expected that the history of Chinese Internet users speak in relation to the Korean rescue team to Japan.
In short, some gooks sent a team to help with some dogs to do some search and rescue.
They lost the first day on the dogs, and so Japan have people to look.
They found the dogs, and the gooks disappeared.
China is nothing more than a vast collection of lower equity peoples who flock together because they are too weak for themselves why im Korea and you are Chinese because there are many centuries your ancestors fought the inhabitants of what is now known as China and lost your grandfathers were whipped, beaten, tortured, sold into slavery and forced to learn and speak Chinese your grandmothers were flogged , beaten, raped, impregnated and also forced to learn Chinese ching chong the bastard offspring resulting from these losers became what is known today as the Chinese race.
The Koreans are descendants of North Asians who were strong enough to conquer China and to maintain independence, including separate government, culture and language of your ancestors could not do the same because they were too weak, cowardly and stupid to stop being absorbed all the brave men countries your ancestors died in battle Only cowards frightened effeminate men who were willing to bend over and take it in the ass survived and survive, they they also learned CHINESE obtained Chinese names and became the ancestor of all Chinese living today.
The Koreans are descendants of proud and strong warriors who conquered China and maintained the independence and that's why we survive and thrive to this day if we Koreans were also lower in China than you men we became a part of China long time ago the beautiful Korean language would not exist and instead be replaced by ching chong chang chung ting survey quite disgusting thong lang Chinese.
This explains why the Chinese are so weak in combat and the lower Chinese shares are lower stock invading small nations also shares lower and then turns these people lower in CHINESE is how China has become the most populous nation Earth It also explains why everyone in China is so inferor How many times in the history of China lost a war against a small country that was only 1100 of its size too numerous to count its no wonder you Chinese are so desperate to claim that Korea is a part of China and why so many of you are caught illegally entering Korea please come out, and please stop polluting Korean genetic heritage.
Why you have too much time on your hands why not fucking write a novel while you are late.
The Koreans are descendants of warriors proud and strong.
The beautiful Korean language would no longer exist and instead would be replaced.
Chinese are lower stock invading small as less strain nations.
I generally like to buy chicken stock seems to mix with most casseroles Although if I do not fix noodles, beef broth will also.
The Koreans defeated China hundred times armies more which is why Koreans do not seem too short, ugly and putrid that the Chinese people is also why we have our own language, customs, culture and country.
Meanwhile, your ancestors were raped, beaten, tortured, enslaved and ultimately forced to integrate into the Chinese population A few centuries later, we have modern Chinese who are all descendants of the nation-state peoples rejected who were too weak, stupid and cowardly to protect men ancestor of all Chinese today was a baby coward cry begged his teachers not to beat the later and was even willing to work as a slave and learn to speak Chinese All the brave men of your country ancestors died in battle only cowards survive, which is why China is full of cowards throughout history China is a genetically cursed with cowardice.
The female ancestors of all Chinese today was a whore who was repeatedly raped by the victors and in the end gave birth to the failure group of people known today as the Chinese.
Koreans have also in this group if our ancestors were weak, stupid, cowardly and could not repel the invasion, but my ancestors were much stronger than yours, and that is why today im Korean And you re nothing more Chinese lower stock Korean race is homogeneous and pure Chinese breed mongrelized with peoples of different states failed.
Chinks You probably do realize this fact miserable, that's why you're so desperate to claim other independent Asian nations belong to China because doing so you feel less inferior.
Chinese music will never be popular because the language is so ugly sounding Ching chong.
Chinese music is actually much more popular than Korean music with figures to prove it.
Although the Koreans do seem to do better in the R B Genre, a trait you share with niggas, close your counterpart on the west side of the world.
Koreans are those who look down on Chinese in China are those who constantly copying technology and Korean culture There are so many illegal Chinese immigrants who want to enter Korea its not even funny out of my country Ching Chong if he Please.
In fact, parts of this statement are incorrect Other parts require more qualifications.
For example, the Chinese are making imitation iPhones, Nokias, etc. From time to time, they will copy Korean products cheap, but only if there is a profit margin However, as you hear, if you are often going to make counterfeit USD, have them hundreds no, not those of the Korean technology is more often than not worth copying.
Koreans look down on all other countries except themselves which is derived from insecurity Hell, they even see the US as enemies despite saving their ass during the war, Chinese we don t care about what Koreans think you guys are insignificant.
Oh, and please, cut with Chinese immigrants in Korea given a chance, most prefer to escape to Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and other west would only very few Chinese are going to kimchiland In actually, there are more Koreans come to China to study the language or do business.
In fact, most of the foreigners who visit Korea think is a horrible place to live I heard a UN ambassador that there are homeless people in the Seoul Metro, Seoul and areas where n ' There is no electricity grids He even told that NK had all the power LOL.
I see many more Chinese with single eyelids so I do Koreans is not that why you Chinese monkeys affirm that all Koreans Plastic Surgery Because of the Koreans jealousy can not accuse China of surgery at because of the way God terribly ugly Chinese people are whenever Chinese Korean visit, my Korean friends regularly notice how short, dark and ugly Chinese people Ching Chong.
Believe me, look closer and you will see that they are clamped Sá It is well known that September 10 Korean celebrities go under huge plastic surgery is rare to find one without surgery There Sá popular topic because it gives us another reason to laugh gooks.
What is one thing in common between LG, Samsung, Kia and Hyundai is that those who are good shit market parts that poor people buy Why are they cheap as they can get market share and respond to a wider audience that would buy if they had enough money to buy high quality goods no.
Let's give an example, for the love of LOLs you prefer.
A Toyota Prius or a Hyundai Getz or whatever the fuck call their prestige Hyundai small hybrid cars if they even have a Tiberian -a Hyundai or Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Hyundai Sonata and Honda Accord Euro.
-a Sony Bravia HDTV or Samsung VAIO or a small Korean Samsung is crap.
Do you really need me to humiliate you if D D I'm glad D.
6 Why the Chinese have such large, flat, wide nose Response Because air is free Chinese are eager Ching Chong.
This trait is true that when referring to Hong Kong Chinese.
Did you know that 50 of the components of the iPhone 4 have been invented and developed by the Koreans.
Of course, they made you want to list the parts accidentally Are you trying to say that they have technology on LCD panels, or have they made the technology behind LCD panels metal Cause weren t invented by Korea, and the construction of metal plates were also not invented by Koreans as much as you like Koreans believe.
Do not worry, just blame your crappy English gooks have never been known to articulate simida You are a warrior race who created the technology to shape metal and drink beef broth purchased by Mongolian here, let me Finally to you, the correct notion, you would like to say is that they have used Korean parts manufactured in China for the iPhone.
Korea has never been able to win wars Civil war against North Korea and South gooks US v gooks North and China in this case, you guys would have been raped if not for the States United Now you are teaching your children to call American s Yankee LOL.
Koreans are more like niggas Claiming to live in an apartment, do it every day and turn into Ferraris hoes bag while disseminating this through their music.
In fact gooks are almost worse than niggas niggas do at least some good music, drive and drive sports cars loaded gooks species or good music or silver hell, guys are not getting even a guy in hollywood LOL.
ISN T funny how you can not counter the 9 points I Ching chong.
Chinese music is indeed more popular then K-pop if you include the 800 million Chinese farmers who do not own a car, television or Internet and Whos that exposure to music is drunk Chinese men sing hymns to the Communist era per capita income from 2000 Its still lower if you take into account the theives billionaires who plunder your country is like music CHinese Its nothing Ching chong ling long ting tong ting chang Ugliest the most disgusting the survey language in the world Only one other Chinese find bearable Chinese.
Korea has world class brands like Samsung, LG, Hyundai and Kia As K-pop and a thriving industry MMORPG What China.
Pincers operation for Chinese noodle shop -Sanlu toxic milk -Samseng Samsung ripped -Ching Chongs i-phone rip -Chinese coffin cars.
CHinese Steve Jobs What fucking loser A class Dont you go Koreans account are the best Chinese at every turn Why is there more than one billion Chinese all over the world but they can not even create a single technology company is similar to Samsung or Hyundai Why Why is China still manufactures products for foreign companies, but never to innovate I guess that goes to show you what happens when you are the descendants of people from lower shares that were raped and enslaved in the Chinese population by force and please quit illegally enter Korea and Korean using fake passports to enter different countries Koreans are sick and tired of being labeled in the same group the Chinese.
Chinese You are pathetic You can not do anything right All you have is a lot, and even then you still get ass kicked left and right by small countries in technology, war, creativity and intelligence You think Korea has a homeless problem what does that make China so.
poor homeless Koreas are still 10 times per capita then the typical Chinese middle class.
Including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and Singapore's largest company the most powerful technology ever created 1 7 billion Chinese world is Taiwan Foxconn is still only a fraction of the size of Samsung.
The difference between Samsung and Foxconn is that Samsung invents new technologies and products Samsung has revolutionized the electronics industry based semiconductor and technology.
Foxconn is however nothing more than a manufacturer Companies like Samsung, Apple, Sony, etc. said Foxconn to assemble the pieces together while foreign companies are being creative Foxconn is essentially nothing more than a sweatshop for electronics Like the way China is a sweatshop for furniture and toys .
The truth is, if Samsung, Apple or Sony decided to manufacturer their products at home or elsewhere, the economy crashed Taiwans overnight Just like how the Chinese economy would crash if the United States and other countries have chosen to MANUFACTUR their products outside China.
Chinese race very intelligent, creative and useful not only to the assembly of parts by heart Why is it that everywhere in the world, no matter what level of Chinese GDP to rise, they still cant seem to innovate and create new technologies.
It's the same reason that a billion Chinese can not seem to conquer its smaller neighbors and was regularly humiliated and conquered by the smaller countries Its because the Chinese are less stock The largest population in the world by large margin, but far from the most technologically advanced, creative and pathetic military history just goes to show how pathetic your genetic heritage.
Samsung is a manufacturer of products, they didn t create semiconductor technology You intel, nvidia, etc. for this.
Of course it is obvious now that you are lacking intellectual ability Your choice of words show your lack of formal education and knowledge of both the economy and the basic English vocabulary, but you impress me for simida of Gook.
Ask me why China manufactures products rather than investing in R & D is simple in practice, it is even easier to answer in theory such a rhetorical question is simply not bother to reply to the wise economic theory if please google the flying geese paradigm.
Of course, I am not here to inquire simida you need to pay me for taking you seriously créditez everything is actually you do not deserve But hey, I come here when I am in need of entertainment and uneducated Gook is still a joke to laugh.
The same goes for your economic analysis of what would happen if the production was produced elsewhere such analysis shortsighted ignores the fact that China holds most of the debt of the United States and branching arguments from there as well as their requirements in China as a partner for their own economic interests.
Try to understand your history Hamida Korea has never conquered If anything, you are the descendants of Mongol Talking was entertaining you at the end of it, however, it is still a waste of time.
Although, I guess if I care, you could skip a building as your presidents, celebrities, etc. No wonder gooks have such a high rate of problems of suicide and alcohol But hey, no skin off my back a good gook gook died imo.
We see how the 97 financial crisis crushing the gooks in whiny and survived on their plastic surgery economy ladies and some influx of exporting their porn leaving the world to take a glimpse of their women fake breasts, fake nose and fake pussy and everybody knows the fucking gooks low class and shove dick in all women who want to make a living the only thing valid gooks have for their wife is having their ass stuff by the American soldier Dick simida and screaming, Hamida.
Korea has world class brands like Samsung, LG, Hyundai and Kia As K-pop.
Why is there more than one billion Chinese all over the world but they can not even create a single technology company that is close to Samsung or Hyundai why.
Because we have trillions of dollars of debt; can just buy brands like Hummer, VW, etc.
But technologically things, hows ASUS, Gigabyte, billion, as an example of the biggest leading manufacturers The same CANT said for goods or waste Hyundai Lousy.
Take it easy simida of Gook, I am proud that you can speak English It's not easy for a Korean dirty dog Make sure to choose your words more carefully Certain phrases make you sound like a fool Hamida.
FFS, it is still the same arguments and the two sides on all single subjects, delegating the same damn thing every time the same stupid arguments.
Chinese are ugly, no, the Koreans are ugly, not Chinese are the ugliest etc. You can t compare Korea to single Chinese cities Doesn t work ok like that and Taiwan ISN yet been part of China, no matter what the says China Samsung is a pretty successful business BTW decent product they're really late on new research product today, but they are still there Hyundai is actually a good car now, as opposed to Kia decades earlier still aspires Korea premium entertainment industry and a thriving industry mmorph and crazy addiction that goes along with China aspires to innovation but brilliant adaptation Yes, the bitch is SKorea America there is a lot of truth here too to deny outright the US has a say incredibly disproportionately on military issues SKorea My language is better th t prettier than yours Your country is small and insignificant we are on you NO we are what look you what we did again, I guess it can be fun, but it's the same shit o ver and over again.
Are we done yet I guess it can be fun, but it's the same shit over and over again.
It kills time, and a lot easier than writing the sale of land contracts.
Moreover, it is rather amusing to think that the other side of the computer there is a nerdy kid raging that his beloved country is defecated.
And Taiwan isn t yet part of China, no matter what China says.
Of course, there is one country two systems, like Hong Kong Legally, it will remain so unless the UN and its constituent states say otherwise.
He succeeded, he managed to cut corners and catering for the mass market This is a smart move.
The downside is that consumers suffer from sub-par products that are generally of poor quality.
At last, it surpassed Toyota in Europe as the first small car manufacturer.
The truth is though, is his suits for women and the poor will be always perceived that way.
I appreciate the effort to appear impartial, but I know that you appreciate it to some extent.
I know you are reading this, you itch to write a response, but before that, let me two things.
I will not argue with you over Taiwan this comment below should be complete enough to avoid any argument against logic course, you are always free to answers without return statement.
I decided to leave the constitutional law and public international law of the comments section of a website that encourages trolls.
The majority of posters are not smart enough to understand, appreciate and discuss legal issues in depth that would add merit to engage in such a discussion.
Under international law, the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of Greater China.
The reason for this is based on mutual enforceability The fact that most developed countries do not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country, actually a province of the People's Republic of China.
Most pro-Taiwan supporters insist the eight criteria for a state by calling the rules of international law This is a fundamental error used by laymen and journalists.
This is analogous to reading a guide to law, without reference to the primary source The basic concept for the state's sovereignty.
This indeed requires a number of factors that go well beyond what most online references call the power of free capacity by another state or what not as well as one of the factors known as external recognition .
Even if we look at these two factors we see that Taiwan is not absolute power that the Chinese domestic law allows a military attack against Taiwan if it declares independence This is indeed fetter the exercise of the exclusive power Taiwans regarding its national affairs and international.
Taiwan is not recognized by most countries and institutions in the world and yes, I understand that Taiwan can communicate by some agencies, but not major ones of importance.
Although I agree with you that perhaps Taiwan should be.
To exercise his right to autonomy But it happened and still didnt never happen This is the reality of the issue and re-assure the average Chinese.
Message to the Taiwan government just life isn t getting used to.
Your attempt to neutral look is fun, but if you want to get a serious message insults brainless, I'll give you below.
Ok so outside the dressing over the cake, the only thing that is true is no doubt.
Chinese look down on gooks as pathetic, ugly, incompetent and laughable.
I understand that some reviews are to add emphasis to exaggerate, etc. But I can say with a straight face that.
1 Most Chinese think that Koreans are less than 2 Most people think that Koreans are facing flat, short legs, with small eyes Mongoloid 3 Most people find it absolutely hilarious laugh Koreans.
In addition to asserting that the country is small or whose language is prettier, three points above are set in stone which is why any attempt to gooks say the same about us is simply laughable.
We know that we are Chinese rich, we know that we are more attractive and we know we'll be world power soon we know gooks have nothing on us except jealousy and Moche property.
LOL, enjoy your mocking so I guess it's a good way to let out some steam for you all.
Regarding Taiwan, it is technically a country under international law, I'll give it passes 5 of the 8 criteria and spends most of the time or so the other three accepted The other 3 being blocked by greater power and influence of China in the international arena community.
You can t deny that Taiwan is a de facto independent country from the point of view of most of the world population except Greater China Of course, the vast majority of the world population does not understand the special status of Taiwan or even China claims refer to her most Americans it as a country that I even remember being taught in American schools that Taiwan was just another country on the map.
BTW, I always considered international law to be a kind of BS, like the UN itself much like the way the Chinese considered until China formally joined the UN was when Taiwan was actually a country and member of the UN security Council until China moved into the 70s.
It is hillarious to see a black person pretending to be Korean, a Chinese-chat website.
Man you guys sure have an axis to grind, funny how you generalize about cultures that are fascinatingly complex and dare I say interlaced Take a chill pill, shake the virtual hand and try to appreciate each other's strengths otherwise, to me it looks like spitting venom troll festival is simply a reflection of your own little shortcomings.
Let me guess, the Chinese vendor doesn t want to import the parts for it because it is expensive and while there are short, the seller consider this not a problem the Chinese buyer is pissed and smashes his own car I think in this situation it would be wise if the buyer has a lot of money, why not break it before the seller store and hire journalists to capture the thing that way, he would get some credit to discredit seller.
Oh guys it's so fun to read must be frustration on both sides.
LOL watch these pathetic and lonely white guy who suffer from micro penis using Asian false and absurd racism white pride identities in this China-phobic corner of cyberspace to create and exaggerate the controversy between China and Korea China succeeds and Korea South is doing well, just try Western democracy to hide their shame and hypocrisy of Islamo-phobia, racial profiling, destruction of cultures of indigenous peoples of language to say America, Siberia Australia, etc, body scans, no-fly zones, OMG, LOL.
Why do not u just shut the fuck Koreans Don t u Slant eye gooks have realized that there are more and more anti-Korean things that circulate in the world now.
I am from Hong Kong I agree with Tomo We prefer Chinese Huang Japanese and Western wayyyy better than koreans Moreover, most idiots in the world think that these Korean women are more beautiful than us with plastic surgery, it only FAKE God knows and he will punish you all evil scum and Korean when he will return to judge the world.
You are right, lets team up with Japan and the world to erase all Koreans Damn Korea China ROCKSSSSSSSSSSS.
I would say that none of you are better than the other because you lowered to the same level by insulting each other and mention you in negativity in the United States let us out two and I can not believe I read this article car and something in the transition as childish as it Ugh push your mouth please.
I'm not being racist here, and I know assholes exist on every corner of this land by thousands, but some Chinese are seriously piss me off is as much wealth more dumbness Can -being dinguses that if you stopped believing that rhino horn powder and tiger teeth could make your cock stand, Indian tigers and African rhinos and elephants both land wouldn t be endangered and seriously stop using everything in life for one reason or another, without regard for life training Thank you assholes to Institute fauna makes me feel like a glutton for suicide Use regular medicine like everyone else, you freaks.
BTW, the above post is only for people who use the products above and eating boiled alive cats or anything Yes, I'm vegan And also, I have not mentioned violations of rights man because we know enough about it a little more sensitivity is to everyone would be a long way.
There is one thing that makes me wonder why people in general and more vegans and vegetarians react emotionally distraught to kill a dog, a cat, or rhinoceros, but not in the same way to slaughter cows, lambs, pigs and chicken for their meat or skin They are all living beings with a nervous system and a family at some point, so why are there different standards for them.
Nice post, I was checking constantly this blog and I am inspired very useful information specifically the last phase I handle such information much I looking for this particular information for a very long time Thanks and good luck.
Owner smashes his Lamborghini to protest against poor service ChinaHush, owner smashes lamborghini, protest.