2010 South China Interntional Car Tuning Expo Part 3
first road vehicle to China, Jiefang or Liberation truck that you can still see many, deployed Changchun No 1 Automotive Works in 1956, and with the automotive industry that China has begun, however , Russia and most former communist countries, the automotive industry was well established before the second World war, the years between 1956 and 1965 were the true time of foundation of the industry in China, and end of this period the sector had a production capacity of 60,000 vehicles per year, to different degrees in ten basic models.
Another feature of the industry was that until the late 80s and early 90s, production was limited exclusively to very large cars for government officials, by contrast, even in the USSR, it has always been producing a range of cars the huge limousine ZIL ZIS MIZ, smaller, cheaper, and a lot of the villains that ordinary people could theoretically buy deals like Pobeda and Moskvitch in Germany of the scale of evolution of the automobile is lowered an additional step with terrible Trabant But in China this segment did not exist.
Since the 1950s, China's auto industry has gone through three distinct phases and must enter a fourth Phase one was a moment of Soviet-inspired vehicles, which was followed by a European-inspired period More recently, China has been designing and engineering its own styles the fourth phase to come will be when China becomes a major player in the global automotive market.
The first major Soviet limousines postwar, ZIS, was a little more direct copy of Packard US prewar, with one of the latest incarnations of a straight 8 engine Then came the ZIM with an American-inspired V8, and in turn the ZIL, much more modern to the car search with the style of the early 1960s, with fins and chrome of the two cars made in China in the early years, Hongqi CA770 was a close imitation of the ZIL Equipped with a V8 July 5 liters delivering 220 hp and an automatic gearbox two speed this 2nd 5-ton monster could, in the hands of someone brave enough, reach of 100 mph approach speeds These behemoths are still produced in small numbers for senior officials, often provided inside with purple seats with gold borders.
The first car actually made in China was Shanghai SH 760 flagship model, called Fenghuang, was produced in Shanghai in 1958. The inspiration is believed to have been a mixture of the Mercedes Benz 220 S in 1957 and Soviet models the same time, but with an American flavor in 1964, the model was renamed SH760, and various changes cosmetic bodywork, survived up until 1991 with a 2 2-liter straight-six, developing 90 hp and 4 speed manual box, the SH760 was good for 85 mph They were shot from Shanghai working rate until the year 6000 production peak, 1984, but are quite rare You see now SH760 abandoned the s along the roadside monument, rust in the early days of the Chinese car industry - there is no attempt to preserve or restore one of these old cars, unlike the Chang Jiang JB750 word o a copy of the bike now 1950 BMW R71 that has a cult altogether in Beijing complete with mandatory sidecar, groups of enthusiasts tour the streets of their Chang Jiangs, and many specialty restaurants have sprung up to keep these conventional on the road, the Chinese equivalent movements Hairley Davidson or Honda Goldwing in the U K.
Another important vehicle for Soviet days is inspired Beijing BJ212, a direct copy from the Russian UAZ 469 With a May 2 liter 4-cylinder engine delivering 71 hp, the vehicle was first used for military the base vehicle has evolved almost 40 years and is still produced as BJ2020.
The next phase in the short history of the automobile in China begins in 1985 when Volkswagen has signed an agreement with SAIC, which was formed by the merger of most local production enterprises in Shanghai, including history Shanghai car plant that turned the SH760 for so many years in 1991, to further develop the Volkswagen, SAIC discontinued production of the old SH760, cutting the main link with the old Soviet times.
The two main manufacturers of these vehicles based in Europe were Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company Ltd SVW generation Santana and Passat as we in Europe knew and FAW-Volkswagen production of the Jetta and Audi 100, now known as Hongqi CA7200 Between them they now dominate the market, with a combined market share of 56 Audi 100 became the mainstay of the official car of the government to replace the old Soviet and American inspired cars Santana in 2000 took over the role played by the former Shanghai SH760 Jetta is common as Shanghai VW taxi is 50 owned by VW, FAW-Volkswagen is 40 held by the success of VW Audi VW in China over the past 15 years has been phenomenal.
The real losers in this second phase of the industry was the Japanese Although Honda has a very small presence, and a car produced locally is really a disguised Diahatsu, they really only a very small presence in the automotive market in the 80 s late early 90s their presence was most visible, but the success of VW and Audi in setting up such joint ventures successfully has largely closed the door on them have recently been made more efforts to back foot, and in August 2002 Toyota signed an agreement with FAW, China's biggest automotive group and a collaborator with VW and Audi, to produce 30,000 compact cars a year in Tianjin automotive Industry Corp., which recently merged with FAW They propose also to build a luxury Toyota Crown derivative that would replace FAW Red Flag luxury sedan.
The third phase of the industry began in late 2000 in Shenyang Gold-Cup Auto-manufacturing company in Liaoning Province the first car to be fully Chinese began rolling on the production line Known Zhonghua just means China is produced in two forms, a car and a domain van the only European legacy is that the body design was by Giugaro but all mechanical parts and engine, are entirely of Chinese design and manufacture of the car is supposed to correspond to European standards of quality, essential to meet the growing competition in the WTO the car costs around Y150,000 to Y200,000 and aims at increasing demand for medium cars high quality in the domestic market also launched in 2000, but not exactly 100 Chinese, was the heroic Beijing it was inspired by the Jeep Cherokee, a mod already licensed product model only, but this new vehicle was designed completely independently, although the engine is pure GM It certainly seems a big improvement BJ2020 Beijing, and certainly better leads.
As for the future, the automotive industry in China is considered vital by the government Alongside electronics, petrochemicals, machinery and construction, the automotive industry has been designated as the one of the five pillar industries.
In 1994, the government conducted a comprehensive review of the industrial situation in China, and for each of industrialization the state sector was analyzed pillar industries accounted for the third and final stage of industrialization These industries should all show a strong response to improved revenues, show significant economies of scale and have strong growth potential.
There are, of course, the problems ahead for the Chinese auto industry in the mid and late 1980 120 manufacturers have been established Production of vehicles of all types rose from about half a million to 1 57 million 1997 However, most of these manufacturers are too small to be effective in the future the first 13 companies produce 91 of VW vehicles only 56 of the automobile market which implies that the average production of 107 average remaining companies around 1300 small manufacturers capital investment per vehicle produced about three times that of the big players the industry is a bit like the automobile industry in the UK between the two world wars, full of very small manufacturers, plus a few big players with this strong state control over the industry, the links between industry and the financial sector, changes follow the NWO agreement, and the desperate need to invest in costly research to produce low-emission vehicles, it is almost inevitable that the industry will strongly focus on a few large players, which will not only be major players in China, but also major players on the global automotive stage.
There are still problems with component manufacturers in the 1960s Mao Zedong launched the third forward a strategy to protect China's industry against foreign attacks automotive component manufacturers and vehicle assembly plants have been displaced inside this caused inefficiency, no economies of scale and sharing of technology prevented the legacy that was one of the reasons why domestic production could not meet the demand by 1980, vehicle imports were first authorized and VW have entered the market, but the legacy of this situation is still alive and will take time to Since all eradicate domestic assemblers are required to 80 source components at the national level in the eight years of production, obtaining national production effective and quality supply sup érieure is a must.
Another important impact of the WTO will be required to drastically reduce import duties on imported cars, which are currently about 100 The proposal is to reduce the requirement of a maximum of 25 by 2006 This will inevitably increase competition in the local industry, so quality and value should increase if the domestic industry is to hold its ground, which increase the pressure of rationalization and concentration in the industry, in turn, which will make the domestic auto industry in China increasingly competitive on the global scene How long, I wonder, before seeing Chinese cars imported into the UK.
On the subject of high import duties, during my last visit to Beijing in September 1 was driven from the airport to my hotel when we had a high-end new model Range Rover, it was only a few weeks had been launched in the UK, I reflected on the fact that in the LTK, which cost about 55,000 If I add 100 import duties, and perhaps 2000 for dispatch, here a nice car is its new owner yl 34 million There is a rich car enthusiasts Beijing.
Copyright Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding SACU, 2003, reprinted from China in the SACU Focus magazine Issue 13, 2003.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of SACU If you have any comments, updates or corrections please let us know through our contact page .
Automobile in China, China, the world's leading players, very small presence.