Saturday, April 8, 2017

Inside China's plan to beat the American SelfDriving For WIRED

NVIDIA AI Demonstration car

Inside China's plan to beat America to the self-driving car.
Inside China's plan to beat America to the self-driving car.
Driving in China aspires to go anywhere in a city like Beijing means slogging through the colossal and chaotic traffic jams, confusing intersections Crashes kill 500 people a day, and everyone believes that the rules of the road as a board, at best, many drivers and pedestrians think that traffic lights are only for reference, said Jing Wang.
He's teased a little, but Wang is quite serious when he said Beijing and Shanghai are a perfect laboratory for self-driving cars He heads the autonomous vehicle program for the version of Baidu in China of Google, and is confident the China will be the first country to adopt autonomy.
This entirely possible, but Chinese cities don t seem like a good place to start to work better in an environment self-driving cars limited variables when everyone follows the rules set You d think cities where traffic jams cover 50 routes and intersections resemble parking lots would be a horrible field to date, most of the car manufacturers and high technology companies in the world race to develop this technology tested on roads or quiet suburbs, although Google recently sent its cars in Austin, Texas.
Google cars have accumulated more than 5 one million miles and caused a single accident since the program began in 2009, and Google is waiting to see customers in cars by 2020, Wang is betting that Baidu beats who is not crazy, said Larry Burns, who once headed R & D at General Motors and advises carmakers on things he sees Robo-Car ride in parts of the United States in two or three years, China could go faster than that, he said absolutely.

Baidu launched its program there are three and a half years, and in December announced a prototype led by Beijing June 18 miles The company refuses to reveal the scope of its program, nor say how many miles its cars leads or how many accidents they've despite its relatively late, Baidu plans to have fully autonomous cars in commercial applications in 2019 and ramp up to mass production and widespread distribution by 2021.
Self-driving cars are classified compared to zero levels flesh bag made all four obsolete bag of flesh To fight against extreme traffic from China, Baidu Level 4 needs.
Of course, building cars is easy once you have mastered the technology machinery But underlying programming to navigate public roads is hard enough when folding the pilot rules man by speeding, driving at through stop signs and do all other human factors are Robo -for How to cope when almost everyone ignores the rules.
It is all about artificial intelligence, Wang said Baidu provides in-depth learning and AI at the center of everything it does, an investment of the company is just as it began to contemplate cars autonomous, and said the same technology that's learning to identify malware is to learn to spot pedestrians bag of flesh national rate Highway Traffic Safety administration autonomy of zero vehicle done all at four bag of flesh is obsolete Being given the challenge of China's traffic, Baidu has coined a new term for the level 4 system.
Google wants to drive with its self-driving car.

Of course, the manipulation of China's roads and be welcome on China's roads are two different things Wang is convinced that the country is the right place to start autonomous technology cites three factors in its favor a population prone to adopt new technologies, a large auto industry and a national appetite for big bold projects.
far fewer car owners in China and the US, and high new technology adoption rates indicate that the Chinese embrace the cars without drivers, Wang said a study by the World Economic Forum in 2015 supports this He found that 75 percent of Chinese respondents are inclined to get into a taxi, autonomous, compared to 52 percent of Americans.
Regarding the automotive industry, Baidu map doesn t over Wang building machines provides 40 automakers in the country, many of them small and struggling, encompass autonomy to remain relevant They provide cars, Baidu provides the brain we do not have to reinvent the wheel, he said.
Car teach self-driving Themselves to save lives but also take them.
Great Plan of Detroit to direct the self-driving Revolution.

Google Got the best ways to protect pedestrians than cars covered with glue.
Although the government has not been as aggressive as Baidu would like to encourage autonomous vehicles, a Chinese city is without support of ambiguity within a decade, Wu Hu, about 200 miles west of Shanghai aims to become the first city in the world to ban human drivers and go completely autonomous Baidu hopes to use the town to set the highest value safety and reduced congestion and emissions that come to let the AI ​​player.
A large-scale experiment of this kind is much more likely in China than the US or the EU because the country did not necessarily have the debate to reach a conclusion, Burns said, He sees another reason to bet China on the country desperately needs autonomy cars to suit a growing middle class with an appetite for cars they'll need to leapfrog the transitional road transport system, he said that Chinese cities can not just not manage more conventional cars and congestion and emissions they bring Embracing self efficient and capable electric driving cars could be the answer.
But even if China autonomous cars can t solve all the woes of the mobility of a 10-day traffic jam ISN t as if hell do not have to hold the wheel all the time.

Inside China's plan to beat the American SelfDriving For WIRED, China, plan, beat.

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