Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Chinese racism as a huge force multiplier Amerika

How racism Structural work Tricia Rose

Jim on the isegoria found another example of waste, fraud and abuse of DOD It involves a badly worded lament on racism in the Middle Kingdom First and foremost, the Chinese should consider ourselves legitimately before Homo Sapiens be more racist against white people like me that I could not be against the dog of someone Second, perhaps to our detriment someday, racism aid China's immensely Chinese racism, such as terrorism, operates as 'hell.
Unlike other far-left country, China has a profound unifying force that allows them to survive even their own drinking Drano full operation, moron Marxism in China can survive drinking Molotov cocktail of dialectical materialism because they are united by their determination and unbreakable it rACISM, according to OSD office of net assessment has strategic consequences that I am of the view that China is a multiplier rACISM impressive strength s is what the OSD-ONA has to say in the service of our own inevitable Accuracy policy.
I The strategic consequences of major Chinese Nine Consequences racism II A racism and eugenics Inform very Chinese WorldView II B Chinese racism informs their views of the United States IIC Chinese racism informs their view of international politics IID call Chinese to racial solidarity IIE Chinese racism Delays their relations with the third World II F Chinese racism contributes to their overconfidence II G racism is a strategic asset that makes China an adversary Super II H the Chinese are not not open to a civil rights movement II I the treatment of Christians and ethnic minorities in China.
Thus, racism and eugenics inform the Chinese world vision That just means that they are an intelligent people Anyone with a brain and a sense of dignity made her mating choices with an eye to both racism and Check eugenics African Americans on YouTube and you'll get a swirling for every five who crack jokes about Whitey on the woodpile and accuse black women who date or sleep with Caucasoid race with the jump fence or be Bedwenches.
The whites are judgment; just more subtly about it for everyone who flat on the usury ridicule mud or oil drilling; you get five speakers tolerance quietly while refusing to minorities the right to make decisions that concern George Lopez gives us a Hispanic perspective throughout mating game before he told the audience not to park their car in front of a Mexican's house.
When a man uses his brain as a synonym with his erectile organ, it probably practice some level of both racism and eugenics in his quest for the right ship for all his seed Oh, and do not assume that women also think They sleep differently with the conqueror it was Queen Victoria who advised her daughter to close your eyes and think of England.

Chinese racism that also makes them very wary of Good Ol US of diversity, the more close is equal to the diversity of conflicts sow disunity American and turbulence The US is metastable equilibrium It's a good day Pinatubo waiting to blow a load smoking American industries and American cities go die Pozz-poisoning, we must export this pain somewhere China, quite wisely, prefers not to land on this world of suffering.
Chinese racism should inform their view of international politics, with the exception of the State of Israel was formed after World War II at the request of a large plurality of the world community, the community rarely nations saw the problems of another diaspora as anything other than a marketing opportunity, a real estate game, or at worst; a veritable buffet of wealth to steal and flesh to rob you look after number one or number two is emptied as a number in a cruel and uncaring world it ain t like someone gives you a whore.
China is the chance he may appeal to racial solidarity How pozz work for Yugoslavia racial solidarity made China, China and used to Japan, Japan How Japan's population is self-replicating these How long is Russia s How White Amerika the Chinese have always historically been able to do more are France and Germany.
Chinese racism that prevents them from getting sucked in the Third World They buy assets and stay away from people This is wise Russian military personnel, US and Chinese Turkish die Syria are not US personnel in gacked Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya Chinese are not someone please explain to me how this is a bug as opposed to a function.
The Chinese are not involved as they have no interest.
People know damn well what the true racist would throw their asses Pax Romanum was as racist as the Red Khymer If you hit a guy named Julius, the Romans would take two boards and a handful of nails and happy to put you in place for the night.

Bullet point F is ridiculous Show me that since Japan in World War II has totally worked a Chinese racism Chinese army led only to over-confidence when you show me the army that could put them to flight, wreck their army and his chariots and DPR are donuts on the lawn of the forbidden City that guy who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen square was too confident the Chinese army is salty damn to describe as overconfidence.
This ball is more accurate real racists have another back when they clash s diversity If you aren t, you won t exactly as they do for you, however, you'll never see them do what GOP Cucks regularly to other Republicans they never seem to move to the other what the National Review that made Ayn Rand they are too busy to keep the other from the back it is almost as if they have a commitment to all test to see their own kind to survive or something Yes, it makes them formidable opponents.
I'm not sure what the OSD think I have a civil rights movement must therefore with much else that catamiting their politically correct civil rights movements masters often subverted by the enemy within a country Angela Merkel just let Muslims go marauding through Germany's young women like a lawnmower through the new spring grass because she was afraid of being called racist if a Uighur puts a hand on a girl a member of the inner Party, it will be short this hand and perhaps the head too.
Again, China will treat the Christians, Muslims, ethnic minorities and an unnamed person Wang Chen Chin or how others treat their pets a good day It's sort of how they see us when the dog craps on the carpet, he spanked when he is too old to chew his bone, you take it back and kill him with an ax as for Christians and Muslims, the Middle Kingdom between Heaven and Earth is like an old Mississippi Golf club Jesus and Mohammad were bad race at the request of robust titty said the cat membership.

So in conclusion, this particular sparkling jewels glittering our MI guy in the puzzle palace pentagonal several problems The worst being that it was for POMed included in a budget and paid for at public expense You can t beat a legitimately hard assed enemy like China if you are deliberately misled by your own mythological propaganda.
In East Asia, not everyone you wants you to do a little dirt nap so paranoia, irritability, and three racism becoming important force multipliers as you fight to stay alive just a generation Chinese have achieved this successfully since Gengis Khan was bored and left it are raped, brutalized and traumatized women throughout Germany and Sweden curse their unjust fate that their own companies do not stay in the same RACIST OSD n not help our nation to defend anything other than his own suicidal delusions with this piece of dreck analysis of China.
Jonathan Peter Wilkinson March 29, 2017 You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2 0 Feed You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.
11 Responses to the Chinese racism as a huge force. Multiplier

There is a significant difference between Uighur Muslims in China and west are first colonized by the Chinese invaders as well as Tibetans suffer while they are Western voluntary immigrants and Uighur have the right to ask Muslims these Chinese Questions, not the Chinese face less identify themselves as Chinese are shamelessly cash, opportunistic and unprincipled that can be gross under the protection of an autocratic government, where they are born slaves and hope that all the world be like them slaves, which is why they hate the Muslims for the Chinese government gives preferential treatment to Muslims to pacify If there is no government to protect these fellahs unclean, they will either convert to Islam or be shot as soon as possible.
If there is no government to protect these fellahs unclean, they either convert to Islam or be killed as fast as possible.
What is the reason why the Chinese keep them occupied by several divisions of the Chinese army for decades to come.

The Chinese racism as a huge force multiplier Amerika, Chinese, racism, huge.