Sunday, January 8, 2017

Security and harness Dog Crates Fail Car Crash Test Truth4Dogs

Harness allsafe / allsafe Dog Harness / Harness allsafe dog car

Crash test launch of the dog breaks dummy safety harness.
You are a good parent doggy When traveling by car, your dog goes in the back seat for safety, such as dogs and children should you always buckle your dog in medium to large size with a solid harness looking or you secure your small dog in a sturdy box and loop or maybe you at least use a booster seat or a barrier to the loading area to prevent you from being distracted by your dog, you and your dog are safe, right.
Bad Even if you use a product that was tested, it is likely that your dog accident is believed to have been in danger too.
Read what Lindsey Wolko, founder of the nonprofit Center for Pet Safety said about safety harnesses, crates and cargo barriers and watching crash test videos incredible below using dummy dogs like life Note If you have received this message as an e-mail please click here to complete the reading and viewing videos online PERMISSION GRANTED THROUGH pOST with a link to.
In 2004, my chien Maggie was injured during a short stop on I-66 in the Washington, DC Metropolitan She was wearing his safety harness, but it did nothing to protect it was traumatic and I am very grateful that she was not been more seriously hurt the bad news that I had to pay for his vet bills while the manufacturer touted security has remained intact and continued to market a product that put animals at risk the side pet Travel things is just the tip of the iceberg.
In the years that followed, I turned a keen eye to the products of the pet industry, discover that manufacturers must test products before putting them on the market there were no standards in place to ensure product safety and no monitoring agent beyond the FDA and USDA for food and pharmaceutical industry I learned that manufacturers could do all kinds of security applications, but to the consumer to prove them wrong in addition, pet owners have little recourse other than returning bad products to the store where they bought it.

For years I made consumer testing, independent sampling and analysis of pet products, I found many bad products while questioning the manufacturers we found a few cases where the mom pop stores open up their garages and market directly on the Internet A lot of these small businesses didn t even liability insurance products.
In 2011, after fielding hundreds of questions from pet owners concerned about the security of travel harness, I conducted a pilot study in which we tested a small CRASH using a control group dog crash model similar to that used for humans.
Some products have said the crash tests before but failed to provide protection to the animal or their human companion in an accident after the second test indicated a horrible multipoint failure, the concept of the Center for Pet Safety has been developed and we haven t looked back I work to raise funds to further protect and educate the consumer.
Our goal is to ensure that these animals restraints provide measurable protection, prevent injuries to occupants of the Human vehicle and give the dog the best possible chance of survival in case of an accident.
Harness Many manufacturers claim to have crash tested their products, but at present there are no rules to define what success or failure A manufacturer can claim their product has passed while allowing the dog to escape or be ejected during an accident the dog could have even been killed or injured could have human occupants in addition, manufacturers do not have to prove that they were analyzing one likely size for the dog 30-35 lb or even that the product failed the test.
The Pet Safety Center defines the standards that we will soon publish The good news is that we see more and more manufacturers are increasing their product testing and we applaud the efforts we work very hard to engage constructively and engage manufacturers when we work in the test lab we a licensing program in which manufacturers can use our dogs static test equipment and crash test dog t we do not charge fees, but do not provide the test facility and we need a copy of the data of their many tests manufacturers support our mission.

Crates In 2011, we conducted preliminary checkout tests We are looking to fund a full case study New on the crates are not good these products offer little protection to the dog and can can actually increase the risk of injury to rear seat passengers when placed in the results SUV cargo area indicate that even a dog 55 lbs can exert enough force to break the record in a collision.
During testing, the box was destroyed in a real accident, a dog frightened could theoretically escape the confines of the box Unfortunately, given the test of evidence and the conditions resulting from our dog crash test dummy, survival in a accident like this would have been unlikely why CPS is working to fund a comprehensive study fund to give pet owners a best practice to follow.
Manufacturers of some boxes that cost several hundreds or even thousands of dollars assert crash tests While the products are solid, in a particular case, we know that the manufacturer had actually removed the back seat to ensure that the product would pass crash tests and avoid breaking the record evidence.
There are products that have built-in crumple zones that appear promising, but we just do not feel that safety should be a luxury product Our team is interested in solving these problems and develop best practice for pet owners traveling with one or more dogs in crates we also publish standards around different materials, reinforcements and the connections necessary for boxes Our team is currently looking for a strategic partner who would be interested for us Subaru further assist this research effort funded the first tests.
Crates Carriers We currently advise pet owners of animals to place small boxes and small animals in carriers on the vehicle floor behind the driver's seat or passenger We know strapping crates or carriers up to using the seat belt can exert a decisive blow in an accident occur.
BOOSTER These products are largely untested by manufacturers Our team is very concerned about placing the dog in an elevated position, close to the glass and airbags and align the dog with the head of the front passengers owners animals are said these products are safe when in reality, in case of accident, they are likely to increase the risk to the occupants of the human vehicle and the dog If a pet owner stresses the using a booster seat, we recommend replacing the connection harness included with the product tested with a harness quality accident connections bundles included with the booster seat has probably not been tested.

Area loading tissue barriers that are likely to provide prevention voltage barriers distraction frighten our team because they can move even for a brief stop suddenly in an accident, we fear they dislodge and increase the risk to occupants of the human vehicle There is another area that requires more research.
Another product tested lifejackets We recently signed a new research partner conducted a pilot study in 2012 on the life jackets for pets of their collected data, they found that some of these products actually increase the risk drowning because they are so poorly designed Unlike human life jackets, pet life jackets are not regulated by the US Coast Guard We are working to fund a comprehensive study, revolutionary who will assess how a product really interacts with the body of the dog and measure product performance to support the flotation of the animal.
Further studies are needed We simply more work to do than we have funds for We are the owners hope to animals stand with our organization and provide financial support so that we can fulfill our mission of ensuring safety of the products we buy for our pets and hold manufacturers responsible troublesome products.
In the future, we intend to launch additional studies, including collar, leash, toys and more until we cover all types to ensure the safety of animal products We will also launch a program certification to ensure pet owners can easily identify products that meet the standards published it its great mission.
If we can raise the money, we will develop a similar data base Consumer Product Safety Commission and gather reports of pet owners who have encountered bad products for pets this way, thanks the trend analysis, we can get to about the products and make recommendations to consumers before a beloved pet dies There is no monitoring agent and is our first step is to monitor complaints consumers and do something about them.

Please help us help your dog or cat before this post to friends and post a link on your site or Facebook page and tweet the link and if everyone donated just 5 or 10, we can do the job to help make our pets and ourselves safer security Center pet is a registered 501 c 3 non-profit research and advocacy organization and your donations are tax deductible tax to the extent permitted by law Check with your financial or tax advisor for details.
video security Pets how to determine the effectiveness of a harness.
Testing a plastic support in the back seat of a car.
Rating Jan Only beams to pass the safety test center Pet We bought their model carrier Air, but have not yet received, we paid a high price and are not connected to them in any way, nor is CPS Sleepypods videos are worth a trip to their website These people have really thought about how to make harnesses and crates we will let you know what we think when we tried BTW, we found the prices on their site to be much better than others, but that could change.

11 Comments Dog Crates and harnesses Fail Car Crash Test.
Because I use the Pet Kennel tube is a soft kennel with straps that hang on the rear seat head rests Dog is completely contained and side air bags, I trust my animals will be safe.
I find it very interesting since I was about to order the car seat dog Pupsaver He claim to be the only dog ​​seat that has passed the test car accident Can you recommend the best pet seat regardless price.
Barbara, you didn t say what size dog you Depending on Pet Safety Center, there is not really security funds, except Sleepypod, and no booster seats safely.
I have a 5 and 7 pounds and 2 Yorkie Yorkshire 12 more books I want to get a booster seat for them, they already have a Test Harness Kurgo accident appears to be very well done, I found two seats of extra by animals Matter, Inc. I like that they are lA dog Company Rider car seat 150 studio 00 and the standard companion car seat 00 200 before paying that kind of money for a car dog seat, I want to make sure it has happened, I was told the car crash test by their representative that the two car seats passed the test car crash can you tell me how I can get a list of car seats who took the test car accident, I'm not sure she's telling me the truth.
Barbara, there is no list and there are tests and there is the test Poke around looking at each manufacturer also ask exactly where the test was done, if it were independent tests and if they have proof that the car seat past and what happens if it means Sá booster seat, I know that the center does not recommend any of them, and I either Sleepypod probably would fit two small dogs, but not the greatest.

Does it sound like you reco a harness on a crate My dog ​​is 50lbs What is the harness that was your test thank you in advance for your reply Keep up the good work.
I see Sleepypod is harness that passed your test, I went to their website and saw that they offertwo versions of the utility and the new Sport Sport seems easier to use in that it has not need the car seat straps, but I wonder how the sport, using only the seat belt, would be able to keep a dog wonder securly in the seat as tight seatbelt doesnt stay up that it is startled have you tested the new sport or have you had any comments on it Thank you.
Tim, please contact them directly for animals Security Center their site is down for maintenance at the time, but all of their contact information is available.
Thank you great post about dogs I like this blog so much.

I've seen this somewhere recently was in Dogs Today, I wonder.
I always worried about it, I also remember a harness called, I think the Roadie was supposed to be tested as much security you could do I did not know who was supposed to have tested.
I now use a good dog crate, it has a security door and I now feel safer with Banya in what I do with anything else.

Security and harness Dog Crates Fail Car Crash Test Truth4Dogs, safety harness, Cabinets.

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