Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to choose the types of train and class seat in China

OMG!美 语 US China Trains!

How to choose between the types of process and safety classes in China.
The trains are classified by speed and service in China, represented by a train A train code code consists of a letter G, D, C, Z, T, K number or any letter only, indicating the type of train.
There are usually many trains running between two cities with different schedules, prices, and, of course, with facilities Continue reading to help choose between different types of trains in China the fastest slowestвЂ.
The facilities and appearance of G D C trains are similar in that they are all new and modern bullet-shaped trains are white.
dining car equipment, canteen bar, free cold boiling water, fully air adjustable seats, charging socket 220 V AC, Chinese Western-style toilets, disabled toilets.
1 Trains G †fastest and most comfortable type of train.

Chinese й й Ѓ GДЃotiД gaoww-tyeah high -Speed ​​short iron to railway.
second class car classes, first class, upper class, business class.
The G train running on the railway China CRH high-speed network, it is the fastest train in China, and prices are highest.
It is popular because it provides frequent services between first-tier cities, many provincial capitals, and major cities such as Beijing roads in Shanghai Beijing Beijing Xi An to Guangzhou Shanghai to Hangzhou, etc. It stops only a few major stations along the way, although some G trains provide non-stop services.
The spirit that the seats of business class are only available in certain G eg trains from Beijing to Xi an, they are only available on trains in the afternoon, and Xian to Beijing, they are available on the morning train.
2 Trains Trains G D †similar, but slower and cheaper.

second class car classes, first class, business class, soft sleeper, soft sleeper luxury.
D train speed and price is next to that of a G train facilities of a train D are similar to a train G is new and modern.
soft sleepers for some trains D night long-distance sleeping car service are not provided on the G train, such as D Beijing train to Shanghai, soft sleepers four berths in a closed compartment is available, and some soft sleepers D313 and D314 luxury cars, a closed compartment with bunk beds, which is perfect for couples traveling if the price is double that of a soft sleeper.
Chinese еџЋй й й Ѓ ChГ ngjГ GДЃotiД chnng-jee-gaoww tyeah City high -Speed ​​short iron railway.
second class car classes, first class, upper class.
Roads Beijing†Tianjin, Jilin ChangchunвЂ, Guangzhou†Zhuhai Shenzhen Kaiyang GuiyangвЂ.

A train C is also a high speed train, frequently operating between two cities in the same province or those that are not too far apart from each other The ride is short and sleeping cars are not provided.
Price comparison G Take a train from Beijing to Xian for example, the price of a second class seat is US 86, first-class seat is US 133, an upper class seat is US 159, and a business class seat is 262.
The online booking system China Railway has a seat class selection, but not currently selected na sitting When passengers book tickets online, the system distributes a seat at random from the selected class coaches.
This is the most common and cheapest ticket class for high-speed trains.

Seats in a second class carriage, there are three seats on one side of the aisle and two seats on the other side second class seats are similar to those found in the economy class of an airplane.
No tickets permanent seat tickets ж еє wГєzuГІ woo-dzwor no seats are sold in a small amount for some high-speed train routes If standing passengers can not find an empty seat in the second-class coach, they address the walls of the international car corridors.
This is your last resort for high-speed rail travel and is recommended only for short trips The image below shows that it is similar to economy class seats of an airplane.
Chinese дёЂз еє yR dД ng zuГІ ee-dnng dzwor first class seat.

The first class has a more comfortable and quieter environment than a second first-class class car seats are more expensive than second class seats, but some passengers reported that first class seats are on average no doubt they would be happy to pay more for business class seats, or a little less for second-class seats.
Seats in first class car, there are two seats on each side of the aisle first class seats are wider than the second class seats.
Chinese з з еє tГЁdД ng zuГІ ter-dnng dzwor seat upper class.
All high speed trains offer superior class seats and if they are only 16 of them it †eight seats at each end of the train.
Please note Different trains offer different types of top first class and second class seats class seats are standard on most trains, but upper-class seats are always changing Even the staff of the station can†t guarantee that trains have standard Supérieure 2 class 1 row seats.
seats in upper class are also called tourist class seats The most special feature of the upper class cars is the large windows, overlooking the most beautiful panoramic views.

Chinese е еЉЎеє shДЃngwГ zuГІ Shung-woo dzwor business class seat.
Business class cars are the most expensive cars on high-speed trains The field allows a wonderful view.
Business class seats are spacious with two meters 6 6 feet space between rows There are three seats in a row †two on one side and one on the other side of the aisle The first row of seats to business has only two seat 1 1; each portion has a seat.
The business class seats are similar to those of the first class section of an airplane.

Different trains have seats; these are only available on certain trains.
Only soft sleepers on the night of the high-speed trains, and sleepers without hard price for soft crossings on high-speed trains is quite expensive and can sometimes be higher than the price for a flight to reduced price for the same trip, however, it is a good choice for a comfortable overnight journey See below for details sweet luxury dormant.
Facilities inside soft sleepers on a high-speed train is complete and practical.
Bunks are wider and the cross is adjustable back for a more comfortable experience if you want to sit to read and discuss There is a LCD TV for each bunk, and also a wired headset and a bedside lamp What is Furthermore, passengers can adjust the temperature of the compartment.

The toilets are cleaner than those of the normal two trains of Western style and Chinese style toilets are available if you need help, you can press the button inside the toilet.
normal trains have a longer history than the high-speed trains; however, they have a lower level of facilities They run almost any city in China In general, they have a locomotive and square are blue, white, yellow or green in color.
dining car equipment, cold boiling water free, fully air conditioned, Chinese style toilet Some Z T trains have western style toilets in soft sleeper cars.
Chinese з ґиѕѕе иЅ ZhГ dГЎ LiГЁchД RRJ-DAA lyeah-expensive direct serial train.

Car seat classes hard, hard soft sleeper, soft sleeper luxury.
Z trains are usually the night trains so that more Z trains usually have sleeping cars available There are 220 V AC charging sockets available in sleeping cars Although their Chinese name means the non-stop train some of them will stop in major cities along the way.
It is recommended to take a Z train if you want to save time and money, you can spend the night on the train, so you have more time during the day at your destination to explore.
5 †T trains stop at provincial capitals and big resorts.
Car class hard seat soft, soft hard sleeper, soft sleeper luxury.

A train T covers longer distances and usually stops in the major resorts in all major cities with railways are accessible by taking trains T.
Car class hard seat soft, soft hard sleeper, soft sleeper luxury.
K trains stop at several stations that trains Besides the T stop on the cities, they also stop in major cities of the county coaches are not as modern and clean as those mentioned above, and air conditioning are not always power, but they are still tolerable If you really choose this train, don t buy tickets hard seats, which can be overcrowded noisy and smelly.
7 Number of trains and only †Slowest Not recommended.
train number only run at the slower speed stop at every station, and the cheapest tickets If two trains meet, this type of process has always wait for the other train leaves so many trains can sometimes be late.
You are not recommended to choose this type of train while traveling.

Trains 1001-5998 numbered 40 of these trains have air conditioning, and others only have electric fans The maximum speed is 120 kph.
Trains numbered 6001-7598 the speed of these trains is 100 km, and electric fans are available.
These are the cheapest coaches and they are usually overcrowded It is advisable not to buy a hard seat ticket when there are other options available.
Conditions Seats are actually barely padded, coaches are not very clean, and the toilet on a hard sleeper car are generally poor There are frequent flights baggage, with thieves glancing over greedy passengers luggage.
No ticket seat ж еє wГєzuГІ woo-dzwor no seats are available for cars hard seats, you will find people leaning on anything nearby, or sitting on their luggage in the aisles and corridors when the train is full These tickets are cheaper still, but shouldn t be considered except for the shortest of trips.

Recommended soft †of security for a journey of less than 5 hours.
soft seats cars are normally provided rarely on old trains in China that operate normally They agree to travel within hours.
Car seats are soft and clean toilets are much better than those found in a hard seat car seats are also increasingly at ease is smoking air conditioning is not allowed in cars, but it is in the corridors between cars.
Please note that the soft or hard sleepers sleepers can be changed to seats Molle cars during peak periods, such as during the Chinese Spring Festival During these times, three or four people usually sit on a seat two people facing the same number of people on the seat in front is not very comfortable to travel in this situation because there is no ergonomic backrest designed to support you.

A hard sleeper is the basic budget option for a night train or long distance travel.
Conditions There is a small TV hooked into each compartment, air conditioning and the bathroom is clean enough Smoking is prohibited in the car, but you can smoke in the hallway between the cars.
A hard sleeper is common and opens onto the driveway, with three levels of upper middle bottom bunks on both sides pillow, sheet and blanket are provided for each berth is noisy during the day but much better when the lights car are turned off by the staff of the train after 9 am 30 or 22 hours.
There is a small difference in price between the bunks, with the upper bunk being the cheapest and the lower berth being the most expensive.
An upper bunk is not recommended because it is only about 60 cm 2 feet of vertical space for you, and it may be difficult for you to climb on Middle bunks are not much better, with only about 75cm 2ВЅ crawlspace feet tall You can slouch there, but not sit.
A lower berth is more comfortable as you can sit on it to read a book or play games on an iPad, or talk with friends It is customary for bunk passengers upper and middle to sit on lower during the day if the bunk berth passenger low is not based on it.

There are two seats articulated either side of a small table, shelf on the narrow alley wall in front compartment You can sit on to enjoy the scenery outside if the lower berths are occupied.
Sweet Sleeper †Recommended for an overnight trip.
A soft sleeper is recommended for the night and long-distance travel The rate is almost twice that of a hard sleeper.
Each soft sleeper compartment has a door and contains four bunk beds, with two on each side The bunk beds are wider and more comfortable than the hard sleepers, with decent bedding There is an LCD TV for each bunk soft sleeper compartments can vary between trains can have both overhead and storage under the bed, or just under-bed storage.

A lower berth is more expensive than a top bunk, but worth the extra cost on the bottom bunk, you can enjoy the scenery along the road through a large window while the top bunk is windowless This can be less important when taking a night train If you need to spend the day on a train, however, a lower bunk is a better choice.
It may be interesting to meet different roommates As soft sleeper is more, passengers traveling in this class tend to be businessmen, the richest couples with one child, and the richest students Many them can speak English.
Restrooms are clean, and both Western-style and Chinese style toilets are available Some trains have pristine toilets with soap and towels †it depends on the luck of the draw.
Deluxe Soft Sleeper †Suitable for traveling couples.
Chinese й зє иЅЇеЌ gДЃojГ ruДѓnwГІ sleeper gaoww-jee-wor soft top level.
This is the high sleeper and the price is much more expensive than soft sleepers It is perfect for couples traveling because it has more privacy and security, it is available only in some trains Z, T trains and night trains D.

Each closed compartment contains two clean and comfortable bunks The floor is carpeted and other facilities include an LCD TV, a table and a wardrobe The layout and facilities can vary some have bunk beds a side with a pull on the other side of the compartment; some have a bed on each side.
Western-style toilets in this type of car are flawless Some trains even sink in the room and toilet and a shower cubicle all depends on you and take your chance Train.
China soft upper rail sleepers Sleepers Vs Vs soft sleepers hard.

How to choose the types of train and class seat in China, select, train, type.

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