Thursday, January 12, 2017

How Internet companies Disrupt Secondhand Chinese automotive market

HOW Exchange (for dummies)

How Internet companies Disrupt China Secondhand car market.
China's auto market has been significant for some time given the huge population of the country and a rapidly expanding middle class in China is the largest car market in the world by sales since 2010 with the lead extending since.
The boom in new vehicle sales in turn fostered a domestic market of used cars, which has exceeded the growth of new car sales since 2012 the trade volume of used cars rose in December 77 years yoY to 2 82 million in the first half of 2014, the figure will reach about 6 million in 2014 and about 10 million over the next two years, according to the automobile dealers of the Association data in China.
Chinese began to buy new cars in large numbers in 2009, when more than 13 6 million new cars were sold a 48 increase from the previous year Five years later, these cars reach the end of the life cycle year average of over 5, so most car owners are planning to trade in their used cars vehicles were previously difficult to sell in China, while car owners have to settle for less, and that there has a stigma to used cars but the market opportunity is increasingly popular that drivers find that they can get a good car at a reasonable price.
However, the business of used cars is largely dominated by small commercial companies operating large commercial halls or open air markets on the outskirts of town The absence of trust pricing system, certification the status of reliable and complete vehicle service histories all have hindered the development of the market.

Internet companies, large and small, have been popping up in response to the growing demand local registration service announced a partnership with a used car evaluation platform in November last year Classifieds site launched a platform used car trading with an investment of 100 million US a few weeks later, Alibaba also followed suit to launch the platform Taobao used car trading in the same month.
The rising market also attracts massive injections of capital Cheyipai, one of the leading players in China, earned a combined $ 75 million in three of 260 million major funding cycles Youxinpai rival company would riddled funding series B Warburg Pincus and Tiger fund last September Renrenche recently announced 20 million fund managed by Ceyuan Ventures and Shunwei Ventures, venture capital funds supported by the Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun.
trading platforms of national cars generally fall into the following five categories.
B2B sites serve as platforms auction and are not involved in the transaction process They market the service in charge used the assessment fee of car salesmen and buyers commissions based on transactions The cars listed on the flat Platform from various sources such as shops 4S Examples Youxinpai, Cheyipai.
platform operators B2C buying used cars and sell them to individual customers in the pocket price difference of examples UUmax Sohu Secondhand car Autohome.
platforms C2B help car owners sell their cars to dealers under a tender system platform will conduct the car assessment tests on cars appearing on the platform and send to distributors for their reference examples Gjesc Pahaoche.

C2C websites connect car owners and sellers to eliminate intermediate Renrenche examples Haoche51.
Used cars logging sites operate offline stores where sellers can put their cars on auction platforms also offer certificates cars evaluation and other services Examples strain Bucar.
China market for used vehicles is only a small part of total car sales compared to the U-market, showcasing the vast potential of this industry.

How Internet companies Disrupt Secondhand Chinese automotive market, Internet businesses, disrupt, China.


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