Friday, January 27, 2017

Great Wall plans with global research Ambitions car outside Asia

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Great Wall plans with global research Ambitions car outside Asia.
Japan Carmaker unit to focus on fuel cells, automated cars.
Great Wall to open R biggest SUV manufacturer seeks to establish relationships with suppliers and access to technology.
The automaker known for its military-style discipline aims to open R & D centers in North America, Europe and India in the coming years, according Suguya Fukusato, company vice president in Yokohama, Japan, where the automaker five team members, plans call for fewer than 200 employees to work on areas such as vehicle fuel cell and autonomous driving.
Great Wall is becoming a global brand with Hu Shujie sales networks in Asia-Pacific, Africa and South America, Head of Unit Japan Great Wall, said in an interview Tuesday We understand that without research and global development, we won t be able to provide global customers with products and high quality services.
Chinese carmakers are venturing overseas, even as they struggle to break into developed markets such as the US Japan and Europe, where stricter emissions and fuel economy rules require advanced technologies they also risk falling behind in the race for fully self-driving cars, considered the next phase of automotive technology, against global automobile manufacturers and the likes of Apple Inc. and Google Inc. without attracting global talent.

They sow the seeds of future competitiveness, said John Zeng, a Shanghai-based analyst at LMC Automotive You can never underestimate these centers in foreign R & D may be away, but eventually they can become the heart and brain of the company.
The movement of the Great Wall follows that of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co has established research centers in the United States to Japan, Britain and Italy Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co is leading a joint research center in Gothenburg, Sweden with his Volvo car unit SAIC Motor Corp. China's biggest automaker, said it will set up a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley to invest in the latest technology in the industry.
Great Wall chose Yokohama as the site for its first R & D center abroad because of the auto supplier network anchored by the second automaker City Nissan Motor Co Japan, a train ride 40 minutes from Tokyo, also been very aggressive in inviting foreign companies to invest, said the Great Wall of Hu.
Great Wall deliveries rose 17 percent to 853,000 vehicles in China last year on demand for sport utility vehicles, surpassing the gain of 7 3 percent of industrywide SUV passenger vehicle sales are expected to rise 36 percent to 8 42 million units in 2016, according to estimates by the China Association of automobile manufacturers.

The company shares 7 rose 2 percent to 7 HK 32 9 44m a Hong Kong trading The benchmark Hang Seng has won 1 4 percent.

Great Wall plans with global research Ambitions car outside Asia, Great Wall plans global.