Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Experts Skeptical InCar airquality Claims China Real Time Report

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An air quality test by Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile Dongfeng PSA Citroen.
With China's pollution in the news, some car manufacturers are trying to attract consumers by touting the clean air inside their car.
Some experts are skeptical, saying the air-filtering system in most cars is different from those used in buildings and homes Automakers defend the results of air quality, but they say that drivers should replace air filters often in their cars to enjoy pollution removal benefits.
Volvo Car Corp Swedish brand held by China Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, the air drive the quality of a point of sale.
Chairman Li Shufu recently told a conference of the automobile industry the company is committed to providing Chinese drivers with the new experience of breathing fresh air inside their car, just like the fresh air of Northern Europe the filtered air is safe for children to breathe, he said.
Volvo said a multi-filter in the inner-quality car air system can remove particles and pollen, while a layer of activated carbon removes odors and ozone at ground level Print ads for Volvo S60 in China say clean air at hand.

China Consumer News, a publication of the China Consumer Association, worked with local consumer groups to test the interiors of 25 Volvo S60 car brands has won first place Researchers said 93 cars were sampled comply with China's national standards.
We were very happy with the result he has proven that Volvo is indeed an automaker environmentally said Michael Ning, spokesman for Volvo Car China.
The tests focused on volatile organic compounds or VOC gases like benzene and formaldehyde which can come from sources such as paints and automotive products and can cause health problems Tests didn count t substances that experts health and environmentalists generally consider Chinese to measure air pollution the main substance of these experts track is called PM2 5 or smaller particles as 2 5 micrometers in diameter, which is considered especially harmful to health the main sources of PM2 5 include power plants coal and steel and car exhaust.
Volvo said its filters have an efficiency of from 90 to 99 against the main constituent of 5 PM2.
The local joint venture of Peugeot-Citroen SA, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co says the air conditioning system installed in his Elysee car models can filter 90 PM2 5 Elysee cars are installed with a negative ion generator, which can kill the flow of molds and bacteria as well as harmful gases dissolve in the air, the company said.

A test conducted by Dongfeng PSA slightly polluted one day in Shanghai in December showed that the results were PM2 5 to 26 micrograms per cubic meter in a new car of the Elysee; outside the consulate U S Shanghai put his conclusions to 59.
Nissan Motor said equipped with a plasma ion generator aggregates, its luxury brand Forest air system Infiniti can effectively sterilize pathogens while a sensor block may polluted air and particulate matter from the cab of the Forest Air System is Infiniti M appeared on the 2010, and has been applied to other Infiniti models.
Experts say it is not clear whether the filter systems are probably effective against PM2 5 but if they were, it wouldn t for long.
Among the already known technologies, absorption of high efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, is most effective against PM2 5, said Wang Fengnian, associate professor at Tsinghua University, but you never know if the air filter of car complies with HEPA standard, he said.
To qualify as HEPA air filter must remove virtually all particles 99 7 by the Chinese standard which have a size of 0 to 3 micrometers or more This type of filter is widely used in medical facilities, aircraft and purifiers household air.
Using only ion generators, an air filter can effectively solve t PM2 5, according to M. Wang.

Even filters that can filter PM2 5 may be able to do that for a limited time, said Qian Hua, former deputy head of the Institute of Atmospheric Environment retired in December and is now Shanghai Academy of environmental sciences M. Qian counselor at the academy.
At the time goes over, replace the filter with a new Otherwise, it won t work, M. Qian said Typically, he said, they remain effective for about six months.
Volvo offers Chinese customers when changing filters mileage reached 20,000 kilometers or if Nissan did so, but it highlights the gap will be more frequent when pollution worsens Dongfeng PSA puts the replacement of air filters to 30,000 km.
There's no point boasting advanced technologies are like how none of them can eliminate air pollution sources using clean energy and reducing emissions is the best way against PM2 5, said Mr. Wang.

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Experts Skeptical InCar airquality Claims China Real Time Report, Experts skeptical, China, Real.