Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Driving home for Chinese New Year

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Driving home for the Chinese New Year in a shared car.
the largest mass migration in the world has hitched a ride on the sharing economy with hundreds of thousands of Chinese turn to carpooling for their annual pilgrimage home for the Lunar New Year.
The holiday season, which begins on Monday, will crisscross mass across the country and bottlenecks in railway stations and on the roads, as tens of millions of migrants return home cities to fifteen family .
Yan Chao, a mobile application developer for 25 years, is one of 300,000 travelers in the last week of January who chose to give up these challenges and hitch instead of an elevator using a new and increasingly popular demand for carpool services.
As growth slows, government initiatives such as the Internet Plus Strategy Premier Li Keqiang are accelerated push to fill the cracks in the old economy creaking China s using data and large mobile Internet to deal with problems long as traffic congestion.
But progress is slowed by an inherent fear of new technologies being too disruptive and that local governments and their taxi fleets are fighting hard for the status quo, many new initiatives remain semi-illegal until they prove sufficiently helpful.

Chinese New Year shares lift has given the green light by the authorities there two weeks ago, when the Vice Minister Wang Shuiping said that the Department of Transport encouraged carpooling services as long as they were free.
It is clear that public transport is falling short, said Sun Liang, a spokesman Didi Kuaidi equivalent Uber Homegrown China, which operates the carpool platform Didi Hitch and calculated the number it provides 1 million by the end of the traveling party.
Six million people stand to form sometimes 40 hours with our driver rides dense network, we thought we could help people share their resources.
This chimes with Yan Chao Didi Using Hitch was the same price, and it is much more convenient and comfortable, he said.

Because of its pilot network in place, Didi Kuaidi of the service, which is currently free, is among the most reliable options, as it comes with insurance and a code of conduct for drivers.
The platform was launched last June as a short-range commuter sharing service Didi hoped relieve pain point of China's nightmare of rush hour and help the environment.
I spoke with the driver several times and confirmed the details, including that he will bring his dog in the car, it is not a big problem.
But that's not all altruistic services to nonprofit such as these help keep Didi Kuaidi customers and authorities OnSide something different Uber travails in the world have proven to be a valuable commodity.

The Department of Transportation M. Wang has injected a note of caution, saying that he hopes the two sides to clarify their interests before leaving to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Yan Chao, meanwhile, mocks worries of being cheated on the road, I spoke with the driver several times and confirmed the details, including that he will bring his dog in the car, he said it is not a big problem.
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Driving home for Chinese New Year, driving, at home, Chinese.