Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Brilliance_1 Chinese car

Crashtest Comparison: Germany vs Chinese cars

The bus ride from Shenzhen to Enping was long, like watching a train chug goods, except he doesn t We had to have been on the bus for seven hours, nap times, and sometimes, watching our windows, watching a motionless traffic world was not just a nightmare, but also a mystery, too many cases where you could clearly see another traffic accident in bad flagrantly what has become banal, ubiquitous in the culture Chinese trip, there were other inexplicable stops moving, when suddenly, as if finishing a quick countdown, our speed dropped so abruptly swerved to leave a collective, if not in the body, then definitely in mind Calvin fortunately in his insight, his wide angle, unique vision, saw beyond the countless vehicles that were motionless, as if rocks on a river bed has sséché; see the periphery, he wished us, and when we looked at the edges of the road, in fact we witnessed the instigator of the most special traffic congestion in the world - mass in men peeing on the side road men taking leaks creates a domino effect; we see another advantage of the relief of an Unloaded, the easy bladder, so seductive yoke, the only answer to the supplication of this state of bliss is to join abandon and impunity and soon the latest shakes are made, return the cars will these men, and a few minutes early, the flow of traffic again.
Mike wanted to stop in a village, we swapped a road more crowded a narrow road and cement, on which we ventured into the dense greenery After reaching an impasse on the road soon after, and not know how to progress further, to actually enter the village itself, we saw two beautiful girls saddling a moped, car toward us They then suddenly broken, and off our path and a dirt pressed by both houses like a mouse in her diminutive hole - which was our key we welcomed as the girls turned their heads, offering us curious but gentle looks They are our guides in town.
Blue showed me in his neighborhood Together we walked along bumpy corridors and peered through the open windows, beyond fluttering cobwebs, to lay eyes on the rooms where these days that impenetrable shadows rest, she and I examined the red pure form of banners that framed each door in the village, and then hit it when I started to investigate the nature of these swarthy demons who hung menacingly in front closed doors, insidiously their wild looks, drunken rage, perhaps indeed later, in the tranquility of a sunset to rain on us, standing by ourselves in front of the village hall, I finally shared my faith with her, and in return, she said the absence of his own - his cousin and older sister, however, know Jesus, she said, who truly warmed my heart, if not hers.
We left the village with a lot quickly, but not before I blessed and encouraged the blue cousin, in whose arms a smiling child was, and joyfully received a delightful departure gift mysterious Cookie blue Chinese official name is 艾糍 whose marbled, welcoming complexion would be disgusted if not the sweetness of a sugar mix, peanuts and herbs to buried inside a treasure that would be discovered again and again on our tour.
The food around Enping perfectly illustrates, I think, the cuisine of Guangdong cheap and non spicy blatantly For what they lack in the price and the incendiary acidity, however, these dishes more than compensate with large amounts of oil , salt and sugar mixed together for a tantalizing effect on the taste buds our group was fortunate to have attended several Guangdong style dai pai Dongs including victuals both nourished our bodies and replenished our wallets - it's amazing how 250RMB can feed 15 greedy, shrewish-when-hungry bikers Christians actually feasting increased exponentially nicer than the trip progressed, as our two primary constituents have begun to refine their culinary acuity accurately predict what reinvigorate and excite our collective palate; it helped, too, that our utensils were pretty clean for Chinese standards.
Our first night we got accommodation in a building that was not really a hotel or even a motel, a gray concrete building, where dry wood beds were neatly arranged in each room; the spartan conditions dismayed some, including myself, though at first, the recognition of forged scratch sullenness, and the realization that, in the middle of nowhere, we had mosquito nets to ward off the inexorable team mozzies and a bath with boiling water for a long, scalding shower was more than enough to appease everyone, especially after a hard day of rolling over, the soul rescues austerity We even managed to sleep deeply enough without mattress in my sleepy state, I remember desperately shifting me maybe six or seven times it was a good night, and a bargain at only 15RMB per person.

The second day, our group has dared to test an unknown Avenue Therefore, we have been spared the audible alarms gigantic trucks, indomitable and instead we experience the bike vicissitudes off-road, the band, probably the day was provided by an orchestra of cicadas buzzing, accompanied sometimes by the timpani rumbling motorcycles Oh, the countryside was lush greenery, beautiful all around - a treat for the romantic soul and for the one of my companions, the environment was anything but endearing for its adeptness to handle the desultory track, she surely felt, was more chaotic than controlled, she persevered, despite everything, pushing through his disconsolation to conquer the race marked out for her; such tenacity that only the Father could provide; and that left me very impressed.
At lunchtime, the evangelistic effort began in earnest began innocently enough, as I asked a group of girls on high school on the dusty road of our restaurant Then, at the right time , Spirit, whose rhythm can only be described as frantic, whose rate is beyond my understanding, overwhelmed and resumed Leanne and I brought three girls to Christ; while Tim assiduously preached by our side to a band of boys who had gathered to watch; and behind us ah Cheung had five boys coaxed to form a circle, holding hands for prayer Many people have come to know Jesus this time there was no doubt a serious fire fall on us.
We made a stop at the village clan Tam There was another bucolic community full of boys idling, young and old, and these two demons duplicity shows standing stable doors, which, it appeared, held together all the walls dilapidated beside them an electricity meter showed the reality of life in the village, a living community flittingly flowing in and out of houses like cats jumping over canals; because I couldn t see for how hundreds of people somehow lived in these houses when I could not emba one during my brief visit patterns in the open, for our bikes, there were obvious signs of life, but I was in the sun, leaving its hot melt rays on my skin, when a young man, not even twenty, and asked me questions about our intentions and goals on what was once a afternoon dull curiosity got the best of me, and together we discussed a conversation in faith Simon joined us, and the one I call Henry told us in his obstinacy he depends on him alone, I feel like a little seed of faith was still planted in it can bloom at the rendezvous when he needs it most.
Finally, inside the unlit shop where we shared our hopes and glittering fantastic dreams, Simon and I noticed, to our surprise and delight, two blackboards on which the shopkeeper had written the alphabet, for English and Putonghua in Pinyin addition to letters, numbers too were painstakingly etched into the board, each meticulous shot perfectly formed ironically they learned what continues to escape their more economically mobile brothers in Hong Kong, despite their humblest education I encouraged Henry to pursue this knowledge, since, as the most accurate snapshot rightly English - and Putonghua, these days - a world of possibilities.
China, it seems, is an endless beginning of housing being carried on the shoulders of Behemoth giants, really, an armada of dump green and blue trucks, on whose backs are the physical manifestation of hopes and billions of dreams - wood; Pierre; and coal - are an inescapable part of our three-day trek They made us jump spent literally burned horns; and if you stared into the eyes of drivers over these mechanized elephants, you will see the jubilation with which they shelled the road and eardrums of those unknowingly peons crazy enough to be close to China - and China mobile, whose stores we found even in the most distant suburbs, I might add - has still left a lot of growth, and transportation industries and infrastructure, I am sure, will work tirelessly to maintain this way My recommendation to continue to invest in China.
The visit hot springs had been on the agenda since the beginning of the trip we finally had our chance on the second night when we ran down a hill spawning at the hotel - a real hotel Our enthusiasm resonated in the air, laughing creaks and cries Choose to swim first and foremost, we left dinner to wait and rushed into the station was packed street with other people sharing the same ideas, dressed in costumes swimming that should leave more to the imagination; the temperature of pool water varied to warm in an enclosure at the burning skin in another; and for a wonderful time, we swam and frolicked like little children again, reveling in wet fun, appropriate reward for a hard day spent on the dusty ground and dry.

We Capping end of a successful day with a bang Girls, oddly enough, were stealthy arsonists in our midst, nostalgia in secret raid the fireworks store at the base of the hotel, after our meal, they rushed into the cool evening air and we could try to follow in their explosive madness inside the store, all sorts of grandiose schemes have been exposed, the unwieldy, Chicago bull block spears smooth that decorate the wall with arches, no doubt, could just as easily take a few eyes tear mercilessly black night sky wall height ladies suffered not leave any type of blank fireworks by flame, purchase quickly arsenal of rockets inducing rainbow and thin sparklers to a proud pyrotechnic maven outside we went last, the bombs bursting in air, and laughter will miss pa s as we saw the brilliance of the Chinese genius on the screen with the sparkling girls stock, we finally we collected, and headed upstairs for a day of wonder.
There was a visit to the last village before reaching our final destination of the city Enping As we hurried to the hovel community, we knew something was wrong, because unlike our other entries in the villages during which residents emerge in droves to see us, it seemed as if the villagers preferred the comfort of their home veiled the company to some of the exuberant foreign it was a grim setting where we met, one characterized by residents wary rather than gregarious and affable Nevertheless, we dispersed to share the goodness and thank you for this purpose, I approached a young girl, barely 25, who had his old boy three months on his shoulder and his three year old son - who was without pants, I might add, preferring to wave them in the air like a terrible towel - on his side we p Arlé briefly about his hopes and dreams, which, she says, remains in the welfare of his son; then Leanne and I blessed him that was the end of our experience of the village in China.
To be around people that sharpen you iron sharpens iron, which is truly a joy Villagers were simple, warm and welcoming; my teammates were facetious, presumptuous and faithful; and me in the middle of this confluence, this mosaic of personalities, philosophies, hopes and dreams, could seek to love, especially in one of my most thoughtful times Travel tested my patience and tolerance, my ability to accept others for who they are - each an imperfect creature like me in the end, as we seek men of peace wherever we go, we must individually become men of peace as a true disciple of Jesus short race and appreciates his grace, which is always enough in this life.

Brilliance_1 Chinese car, Chinese.